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The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (Revelatioh 6:1-11)

D A OLIVA/12/07/2021

We shall see the overall picture of Christ, the church and the whole earth.

 We shall view the Lamb opening the seals of a book and then the four horses and their riders.


 The First Seal ( Rev. 6:1-2)

  A white horse appears with its rider who has a bow and goes to conquer his enemies.

 The rider is Jesus who reveals God's plan and purpose for the persecuted church.

  White symbolizes purity, holiness and victory.

  The rider uses his arrows to pierce the hearts of people with God's word, Hebrews 4:12.

  A crown was also given to the rider which signifies authority as Christ has received, Matthew 28:18.

  He keeps on conquering through the gospel, Rev. 3:21, 5:5 and John 16:33.

  Jesus is the Faithful, True and the Word of God, Rev.19:11-16

The Second Seal

  A red horse appears and its rider was given the power to take away

peace from the earth.

  People will slay one another indicating " religious persecution" which happened to the early church from 33 to 325 A.D.

 Red means " danger, blood and war" and suffering even from one's family,Matthew 10:34-37

  As the gospel is preached aggressively, Satan also uses persecution to hinder its spread, Acts 8:1, 4

 The sword ( machaira) a butcher's knife or one used for sacrifice indicates "persecution!"

The Third Seal

Rev. 6:5-6 is opened and a Black Horse appears.

  Its rider had a scale in his hand.. indicating "economic hardship" for the saints in the First Century onwards.

  But the rich are not affected for " oil and wine" were not harmed.

  Economic discrimination was shown in guild membership in those days.

   Now GATT and meeting of rich nations are forms of economic discrimination imposed on " developing countries!"

 The Fourth Seal is opened by the Lamb and a Pale Green Horse appears.

  Its rider was called Death and Hades was following him.

  The rider was given the authority to kill a fourth part ( 1/4) of the earth through the " sword, famine, plague and wild beasts of the earth!"

 This can be called " depopulating the earth," which also happened in Noah's time, see Genesis 6. 


 The fifth seal is opened by the Lamb,Revelation 6:9 onwards.

  We see the "martyred saints" who bore witness to the Word of God and their souls are under the altar.

  The saints will be given " white robes" indicating that they were forgiven and declared "righteous."

  Their reward will be " crowns of life " Revelation 2:10 indicating that the life of a Christian is not always " a bed of roses, but also of thorns!"