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The Need for Home Churches

The following justifications for the " creation" of house churches nowadays are worthy of considerations:

Pandemic and Travel Restrictions

First, owing to the present pandemic, Christian workers have difficulty in visiting developing congregations due to some kind of travel restrictions.


 Second, in some places like Communist China and Islam dominated Middle East Arabian countries, Christians are not allowed to conduct public bible studies, preaching and worship services. Possession of a Bible alone will put a Christian in prison or will impose heavy penalty on him/her.

Opportunities for Growth

Third, there will be more opportunities for spiritual growth just like in Paul's time with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, Acts 17:11.

Support for Home Churches

The Christian World Ministry news magazine will help provide tools to assist workers and congregations in the form of sermon outlines, videos and such like. These shall be available upon request free of charge.


Milestones and Announcements