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Dear Editor


This quarterly journal is a wonderful way to see Christians in action, how they live their lives serving the one true living God according to His will and way.  One can see how the Gospel of Jesus Christ is shared in different parts of the world, as precious souls are prepared for Jesus' second coming.  The articles are not only informative but very encouraging to both Christians and non Christians alike. The journal also includes important lessons on how to obey the Gospel as well as sermon outlines for spiritual growth for all brethren, from babes in Christ to the more mature.  It is an excellent tool that is user friendly to help spread the Gospel and to encourage its readers.  A big thank you to the editor and publisher of this quarterly journal.  All glory to God.

Rose de la Cruz

Golden Gate Church of Christ

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Okay na okay itong Christian World Ministry sir, it enriches us, readers with spiritual wisdom that may be  greatly used in our duty “to sanctify the Lord God  in our hearts: and be  ready always to give an answer to every man that asks us a reason of the hope that is in us with meekness and fear.

Gusto kong mag subscribe sir ng complete copies for 1 year. Padalhan nalang niyo ako kung merong bago then ipapadala ko bayad. Thanks sir!

Ernesto Alcalde

Cabbaroguis, Quirino

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It is an absolute delight to read the Christian World Ministries quarterly magazine. It portrays the real life struggles and victories experienced by Christians today. Their experiences are an inspiration and source of encouragement to our faith. In addition, the author presents a cross section of insightful gospel messages from a wide variety of sound gospel preachers. If by chance you have a suggestion or comment, the magazine author welcomes and looks forward to your input.

John Jeffrey