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The Beast and its 666 Mark (Rev 13:11-18)

DANIEL A OLIVA/10/16/2020


  In an earlier video, we discussed Understanding The Apocalypse

  1. This lesson focuses on the 4th view: symbolical, spiritual or idealist

  2. We shall let the Bible speak for itself as to the meanings of the symbols


 A. Who is/ are the beast(s)

   1. The earth beast had 2 horns like a lamb but spoke like a dragon

   2. This refers to false religion that deceives people, 2 Cor 11:14 and Matthew 7:15, Matthew 7:22-23

  3. The sea beast of vs 12-13 is being helped by the earth beast..meaning " anti Christian religion and anti Christian govt are working together."

 4. False religions make use of " false miracles to deceive the world," 2 Thes 2:9. He is identified as the "man of sin!"

  5. The earth beast causes all to receive the mark of the sea beast.. false religion supporting the Roman Empire of " emperor worship!"

  6. The marks on the forehead and on the right hand mean " control of their thoughts and their action!"

  7. The followers of the Lamb are also sealed on their foreheads signifying " ownership and protection."

  8. The powers of the beast are limited for only 42 months.

 9. The destinies of the beast and its worshipers will be in the lake of fire, Rev 14:9-11

10. But those who did not serve the beast and its image will reign with Christ forever, Rev.20:4

B. How to understand these things?

  1. Progressive fulfillment till Jesus returns. This is not a fulfillment at one point and time in human history.

  2. Victory will be achieved by Christ and the saints eventually Rev.2:10

  3. The beast number of 666 is not literal.. it is the number of man made on the 6th day.. one who failed and fell. Thus 666 is failure upon failure upon failure.

 4. In Greek, Jesus' number is 888 which means "exceeding perfection." Seven is the number of completeness/perfection.

 5. Christ overcame the world, John 16:33

 6. Christians are more than conquerors through Christ, Romans 8:37-39


 Matthew 11:28-30 is Jesus' invitation for all to come to Him for rest in their souls

Please click on the link below to listen to the message on You Tube.

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