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Hades, the Unseen World (Luke 16:19-31)

DANNY A OL8IVA/11/06/2020

  Many ask the questions: Is there life after death? Where does the soul go? Is Hades the destiny of the dead?
  When a loved one dies, those left behind weep over the loss of that person
  They ask" where does the soul of the departed go?"
   Let us know the truth, John 8:32 to be free from sadness, ignorance and uncertainty

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 A. Some opinions about the destiny of the soul
  1.One group says that the soul migrates to another physical body of a person or animal depending on its previous existence
  2. Another group affirms that after death man has no more existence for he has no soul
  3. Still one side believes that only the righteous soul shall be raised and live on earth forever
  A. The bible affirms that man is a tri-une being, I Thessalonians 5:23
   1. Hebrews 4:12 says that there is a soul and spirit of man
   2. Hebrews 9:27 " it is appointed for man to die and after that the judgment!"
   3. The judgment proves that man has a soul indeed
  B. Parable of Lazarus and the Rich Man
  in Luke 16:19-31
    1. Lazarus soul went to Abraham's bosom, verse 22
    2. The soul of the wicked rich man went to Tartarus, verse 23
  C. The last moments of Jesus on the cross tell us about the destiny of the soul
   1. Luke 23:42-43 Jesus ' soul and that of the thief who believed in Him went to Paradise
  2. His " spirit" went back to his Father, Luke 23:46
  3. This agrees with Ecclesiastes 12:7

D. Hades is a temporary place
  1. John 5:28-29 prove that the souls will be reunited with the body and spirit and will be raised
  2. I Thessalonians 4:16-17 reveal that the " dead in Christ will be raised first and then taken to heaven"
  3. John 14:1-3  tell us of Christ's promise to bring with Him the saints to heaven
 4. Revelation 2:10 proves that the " faithful" will receive the crown of life
 5. The wicked will be outside of the gates of heaven, Revelation 22:14-15

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