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Christ's Law on Divorce ( Mark 10:1-12 )

DANIEL A OLIVA/05/19/2023

  Many countries allow divorce as a remedy for failed marriages. Only Vatican City and the Philippines prohibit divorce as a legal remedy for many dysfunctional marriages.
  They give several reasons for allowing divorce to end marriages and most, if not all, are unscriptural.
  In this study, we shall note the following issues: marriage was started by God in Paradise; Eve was made by God for Adam's helpmate or spouse; the reason divorce was allowed in Moses' time; and Christ and Paul's instruction on marriage, divorce and separation.

  Marriage was started by God Himself in Paradise and therefore,it is a divine approved institution. Genesis 2:24 tells us that the "two shall become ONE flesh. And that they should cleave to one another."
  There was also a divine injunction " to populate the earth" ( be fruitful and multiply, Genesis 1:24-28 ).
  But why did God allow divorce starting in Mount Sinai? In Deuteronomy 24:1-4, an Israelite could file a Bill of Divorcement against his wife for " uncleanness."
The divorced woman could not remarry. And Jesus later explained that " for the hardness of their hearts," God allowed or permitted divorce to the Israelites and later to the Jews, ( Matthew 19:8 )
  It must be noted that " divorce" was not yet imposed during the Patriarchal Age. Abraham had two wives: Sarah and Hagar. Jacob or Israel had two wives Leah and Rachel plus two concubines. The divorce law was stated also in Levitivus 18:7-17. Later on, marriage among close relatives was also forbidden.

Christ's Law on Divorce
    From Mark 10:12, Jesus said that marriage is for life " for what God hath joined together, let no man put asunder."
    Adultery is a sin committed by married individuals,Mark 10:11-12.
Paul's Instruction on Marriage
    In Romans 7:1-3, the apostle wrote that the woman is bound to her husband as long as he lives. When he dies, she is free from her marriage to the man. This has also a spiritual application to Jewish Christians who are freed from the Mosaic Law.

Paul's Instruction on Separation
    According to I Corinthians 7:1-18, the apostle wrote that the wife who separates from her husband CANNOT remarry. Impliedly speaking, divorce is forbidden. He advised both parties to be reconciled to each other, I Corinthians 7:10-11.

  Clearly, Christ is saying today that marriage is for life and that divorce is NOT allowed for His disciples.
   This means that people planning to get married should choose wisely their life partners. God's guidance is needed in seeking the suitable godly spouses.
   May we ask the Lord for faithful life partners as we plan to settle in this earthly life. May we seek His wisdom that He will provide us our so- called soul mates.
   For the married, stay faithful to your partners that your prayers will not be hindered, I Peter 3:7