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The Star of Bethlehem: Real or Make Believe? Mt 2:1-12

D A OLIVA/12/12/2021


 A. Some questions arise regarding the Star which the Wise Men saw in the East in connection with Jesus' birth in Bethlehem

  1. There are certain scientific theories about this biblical account

  2. Let us have a scriptural approach to know the message as stated in John 8:32 by Jesus Himself


 A. Certain Scientific Explanations about the so called Star of Bethlehem-

 1. It was a conjunction/ alignment of planets ( e.g. Jupiter and Saturn), the sun and the moon

  - an astronomical phenomenon seen by the Wise Men ( magi) who were believed to be astronomers also

  2.It was a Super Nova- an explosive dying bright star in the galaxy of Andromeda

  - an astronomic view seen about March 5 B.C.

  3. A comet like the popular Hailey's Comet- a bright celestial body coming from a distant solar system entering own solar system

  - but comets were perceived to bring bad omen or destruction, not good news

  4. A big and powerful meteor- a chunk of space rock that brightly burned up in the Earth's atmosphere

  - but meteors would fade instantly and would not traces in weeks, months

  5. North Star which shone brightly in the Northern Hemisphere ( Pole) known as the Polaris

B. The Biblical Approach/ Explanations about the Eastern Star

  1. The Star was an Angel for angels are called stars in the Bible  

   - Job 38: 7 ( the morning stars sang in chorus and the sons of God shouted for joy)

   - Psalm 147:4 ( He numbers all the stars and calls them by names)

  2. It was a MIRACLE...!

   - light that God made to appear supernaturally ( e.g. water to wine in Cana, Galilee, John 2:1-11)

  3. It was the " shekinah" ( God's glory) like the " pillar of fire" that led the Israelites at night, Exodus 13:21

   - visible majesty of Divine Presence

C. Purposes of the Star of Bethlehem-

  1. To create a portent/ a sign pointing to the exact location of the child Jesus, about 2 years old in 3 or 4 BC

   - Isaiah 7:14 " Behold, God will give a SIGN.. a virgin shall conceive a Son and His name shall be called Immanuel/ Emmanuel."

   - Psalm 19:1 " the heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament His handiwork."

   - ISBE ( Geoffrey Bromiley) " God intervened and altered (?) the courses of stars." ( a theory)

 2. To fulfill an Old Testament prophecy

   - Numbers 24:17 " a star from Jacob will rise..."

 3.to guide the Wise Men ( magi) in exactly locating the child Jesus via the Eastern Star

   - the magi were believed to be astronomers

   - they learned from the Jews living in the East about the coming Messiah


 A. The Message of the Star today

   - to tell the world that there is " hope" in the world for everyone

    a..John 3:16

    b. I John 5:13

 B. That salvation is not Only for the Jews but for the whole world

   a. The gospel is the power of salvation, to the Jews first and then to the Gentiles (Romans 1:16)

 C. Christ is inviting all men to come, believe in Him and follow Him now

   - Matthew 11:28-30

   - 2 Corinthians 6:2