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Daniel A Oliva/06/18/2023

9 " I wrote unto the church: but Diotrephes, who loveth to have preeminence among them, receiveth us not.
10 " Wherefore, if I come, I will remember his deeds which he doeth, prating against us with malicious words: and not content therewith, neither doth he himself receive the brethren, and forbiddeth them that would, and casteth them out of the church," 3rd John vs.9-10 ( KJV )

  A. In his 3rd epistle, apostle John mentioned Diotrephes, a problem in a local church.
    1. This lesson centers on Diotrephes to find out the reason he was a problem in John's time.
    2. Knowing him wlll help us find ways to deal with a Diotrephes today, John 8:32
  B. The approach in this lesson will be an analysis of Diotrephes' sins
    1. Love for Preeminence in the Church
    2. Rejecting Apostolic Authority
    3. Speaking Evil Against The Brethren
    4. Abusing Local Church Discipline

  A. His Love for Preeminence in the Church
    1. His love for preeminence led to other sins in the church
    2." Philoproteuo " is the Greek word which means:
       - me first policy
       - desire for distinction
       - love for preeminence
    3. His SIN was the " I or the Me first policy."
    4. Similar to James and John's mother who desired preeminence for her sons, Matthew 20:20-28
     5. The Pharisees also desired preeminence among the Jewish people, Matthew 23:6-12
    6. Paul wrote in Romans 12:10 " to give preference to one another."
    7. The " I " in SIN must be crossed out which means " self- denial "
    8. Philippians 2:2-8 our Lord Jesus showed us " humility" the oppposite of pride or preeminence

  B. Rejecting Apostolic Authority
     1. " Receiveth us not,"  tells us that Diotrephes " rejected " John, an original apostle of Jesus Christ
     2. Jesus has now full authority in heaven and on earth, Matthew 28:18
     3. Today, the apostles are authorized by Jesus as they were empowered through the Holy Spirit, John 13:20; 14:26 and 16:12-13
     4. Apostle Paul wrote similar ideas in I Cor.14:37; I Thes. 2:13
     5.Now, the modern Diotrephes creates synods and conferences; appoint women pastors and other unauthorized practices.
     6. They are living in a "narcissitic society" in local churches for they love themselves too much!

  C. Speaking Against the Brethren
     1." Prating" ( Greek ' phluarceo ' ) berating idly or maliciously."
     2. Using malicious ( Greek " poneros " ) hurtful, evil words
     3. They are forgetting that on the Last Day, we shall all be judged by our words
         - Matthew 12:36-37
         - James 4:11-12
     4. Today, the modern Diotrephes exists in local churches of the Lord
       - they are over zealous on non essential matters
       - lambast others who differ and would not agree with them

  D.Abusing Local Church Discipline
     1. Diotrephes was NOT willing to receive us ( John and other disciples)
     2. He refused to associate with those in " authoriy," (receiveth us not)
     3. He made use of others or manipulated them to follow his wishes
     4. As such, he was " usurping apostolic authority."
     5. Today, such self- proclaimed, self- appointed guardians of the faith like " Diostrephes" are in the LOCAL churches of Christ
       - in the cities, urbanized places
       - in the barangays, in towns

  A." History often repeats itself" a popular adage goes.
     1. As there was a DIOTREPHES in the days of Apostle John, there also exist many LIKE him today.
    2. We must be aware and watchful of such " leaders" in the church today
       - Paul warned of " lovers of selves, etc " today
       - Jesus warned that divine love will grow cold

   B. So as NOT to become ambitious like Diotreophes, but humble like our Lord Jesus, you
    1. Believe and Be baptized to be Saved, Mark 16:16
    2. Repent of your sins and be baptized to be forgiven and to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit, Acts 2:38
    3. Now is the acceptable time; today is the Day of Salvation, 2 Corinthians 6:2
    4. Jesus invites you to come to Him for spiritual rest, Matthew 11:28-30