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Fwd: Scribes and Pharisees Condemned- The Reasons ( Matthew 23:1-32) December 4, 2022

DANIEL A OLIVA/12/04/2022

" The teachers of the law and the Pharisees sit in Moses' seat. So you must obey them and do everything they tell you. But do not do what they do, for they do not practice what they preach," Matthew 23:2-3 ( New International Version)


 A. The Pharisees and Scribes were Jewish religious leaders in the First Century.
  1. Despite their leadership roles, Jesus Christ condemned them on several occasions! What could have been the reasons?
  2. Let us " know the Truth and the Truth shall make us free," John 8:32

 B. Our approach in this study shall be as follows:
  1. Who were the Pharisees? Who were the Scribes? What were their  backgrounds?
  2. What were their teachings and practices? Did they follow the Law given through Moses?
  3. Why did Jesus condemn the Scribes and the Pharisees?
  4. What practical lessons can we learn and apply today as Christians?


 A. Who were the Pharisees? Who were the Scribes? What were their religious backgrounds?
  1. The Pharisees were a Jewish sect in the Inter-Testamental and New Testament periods
     a. About 6000 lived in Palestine
     b. " Perusim" and " Parosim" are used meaning "separatist" and " specifier"
     c. Descended from Hasidim who lived during the Maccabean revolt
     d. Very strict, pious, exalted oral laws or traditions
     e. Aggressive in promoting views and gaining adherents/converts
  2. Their beliefs and practices as a Jewish sect
     a. Believed in angels, demons, and the resurrection from the dead
     b. The oral law or traditions were equal to the Torah ( OT Law)
     c. Despised Publicans as evil and traitors
  3. The scribes were learned men who studied the Old Testament Law
    a. They were also interpreters of the law, Ezra 7:6
    b. They were copiers of the law in manuscript form
    c. But they went beyond the interpretation of the law, neglecting the spirit of the law9
    d. Their oral law nullified God's law given through Moses, Mark 7:13
    e. Some scribes were Pharisees and were called " teachers of the law"

 B. Why did Jesus condemn the Scribes and the Pharisees?
  1. Mainly, they did not practice what they preached, Matthew 23:3
     a. They put heavy loads on men's shoulders but were not willing to move them, Matthew 23:4
     b. Everything they did was done for men to see, Matthew 23:5
     c. They wanted to be greeted in public places and be called " Rabbi" Matthew 23:7
   2. Swearing by the gold and gift was more important than the temple and the altar, Matthew 23:16-22
   3. On the outside, they appeared as righteous but on the inside, they were full of wickedness and hypocrisy, Matthew 23:28, e.g. whitewashed tombs
  4. They would not enter the kingdom of heaven and hindered others to get inside, Matthew 23:13

 D.What practical lessons can we learn and apply today as Christians?
  1. Keep the Law of Christ out of faith and love
     - Sabbath day prohibited work
     - Jesus healed people on a Sabbath day
      - doing good on a Sabbath day is better than just " resting"
   2. God's Law is higher than man made oral traditions
      - Jesus' disciples ate food with unwashed hands
      - Jesus taught them that spiritual cleanliness is superior to man made tradition
    3. We should be free from moral and spiritual superiority
      - Pharisees despised publicans or tax collectors, women and Gentiles
      - Jesus ate with publicans and sinners
       - He gave favor to a Syro- Phoenician woman
        - He asked water to drink from a Samaritan woman
    4. Accept Jesus Christ as Savior, Lord and King
       - they rejected Jesus because He was a Galilean and had unlearned men as disciples
       - they failed to see Jesus who humbled Himself to die for the sins of humanity, John 3:16
 A. Christ's law now is simple " He who believes and is baptized shall be saved," Mark 16:16a
   1. He who does not believe Him is already condemned while still living, Mark 16:16b
   2. Peter said " Repent for the forgiveness of your sins and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit, Acts 2:38
 B. Christ is inviting everyone to come to Him for spiritual rest, Matthew 11:28-30
   1. Now is the time, now is the day of salvation, 2 Corinthians 6:2
   2. When Christ returns, He will take vengeance on those who will NOT obey the gospel, 2 Thessalonians 1:8
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