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Senior Citizens and the Lord's Work ( Job 12:12) August 28, 2022


Job 12:12," So with old age is wisdom, and with length of days is understanding," ( NAB)


 A. Recently, there was a HB 3220 proposing to cancel the retirement age at 65 and let the senior citizens be employed and work again.

  1. To many, this is good news as they can be productive again in their chosen professions.

  2. But spiritually speaking, are senior citizens still useful in the Lord's work? Let us find out from God's word, John 8:32.

 B. The approach in this lesson will be as follows:

 1. The age that God set for mankind in the Old Teatament

 2.God's senior citizens in the OT and NT periods

 3. What works should senior citizens do for the Lord today?


 A. The age that God set for mankind in the Old Testament

  1. Before the flood, no age limit was set by God for Methuselah reached 969 years old, Genesis 5:25-27

  2. But after the flood, God set man's age at 120 years, Genesis 6:3

    " My Spirit shall not remain in man forever, since he is but flesh..."

  3. This statement did not yet apply to Noah and Abraham

    - Noah, 950 years, Genesis 9:29

    - Abraham, 175, Genesis 25:10

 B.  Senior Citizens in the Lord's work in the OT and the NT periods

  1. Moses lived up to 120 years after serving God as " deliverer, law giver and wilderness leader."

  - " yet his eyes were not weak nor his strength gone,"  Deut. 34:7

  -  despite serving God for 40 years 

( from 80- 120) Moses was not allowed by God to enter Canaan

   2. Joshua, successor of Moses and leader of the new Israelites entered and died in Canaan at the age of 110

Joshua 24:29

   - Joshua and Caleb were the two persons who entered Canaan who left Egypt at 20 and above

  3.Later, David wrote, " seventy is the sum of our years, or eighty if we are strong," Psalm 90:10

    - considered 2nd and greatest of Israel's kings, was about 70 years old at the end of his reign

    -  I Samuel 5:4, " reigned at the age of 30 and ruled 40 years."

   4. Paul, the special apostle to the Gentiles was martyred between the age of 62-68 according to scholars

   - he labored in God's vineyard for about 30 years or more

   - in 2 Timothy 4:6," For I am already being poured out like a libation, and the time of my departure is at hand,"

( NAB)

    5. As per NT writers and scholars, the apostle John died at about 90 years

   - some wrote that he served as an elder at Ephesus; wrote 3 epistles

   - wrote Revelation after his exile in Patmos

 C. What are the works of senior citizens for the Lord today?

   1. " Now that I am old and gray, do not forsake me, God, that I may proclaim might to all generations yet to come," Psalm 71:18

      - David's appeal to God to help him in his old age

      - " Gray hair is a crown of glory, it is gained by virtuous living," wrote Solomon in Proverbs 16:31

   2. Old men in the church can serve as elders ( also as pastors, bishops, presbyters or overseers) 

     - must be married only once, with believing children, Titus 1:5

      - kept his children under control with perfect dignity, I Timothy 2:4

    3. Older men ( who are not appointed as elders) are to be...

     - temperate, dignified, self-controlled, sound in doctrine, love and endurance, Titus 2:2

     4. Older women should be reverent in their behavior, not slanderers, not addicted to drink

    - teaching what is good so they may TRAIN younger women to love their husbands and children

     - to be self-controlled, chaste, good homemakers under the control of their husbands

      - so that the word of God may not be discredited, Titus 2:3-5


 A. As Christians, we can serve the Lord in any age God called us

  1. " Remember your Creator in the days of your youth, before the evil days come and the years approach of which you will say, ' I have no pleasure in them,' " Ecclesiastes 12:1

    a. Most of the apostles were in their 20's or 30's when Jesus called them to follow Him

    b. Timothy and Titus were young men when they helped Paul in his missionary journeys

     - I Timothy 4:12 ( let no despise your youth)

     -  Titus 1:4 ( son of the faith)

    2. But the most important is to be " faithful till death to receive the crown of life," Revelation 2:10

 B. Christ is calling everyone now whether you are old or young, male or female

   1. Matthew 11:28-30 ( to have rest for our souls)

   2. Believe and be baptized to be spiritually saved, Mark 16:16

   3. Repent and be baptized for the forgiveness of sins and to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit, Acts 2:38

  4. Obey Christ now for " today is the day of salvation," 2 Corinthians 6:2

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