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Christ in Politics- Boon or Bane? ( Mark 12:17)

DANNY A OLIVA/06/05/2022

" And Jesus answering, said to them: Render therefore to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's. And they marveled at Him," Mark 12:17 ( Douay- Rheims Bible)


 A. If Jesus Christ would have entered politics, what kind of leader He would have been?

  1. Would he have been considered a boon or a bane? A positive or a negative influence?

  2. Let us know the truth for He Himself said, " You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free," John 8:32

 B. Our approach in this study shall be as follows:

  1. Meanings of Boon, Bane and Politics?

  2. How did the Greeco - Roman world view Jesus?

  3. His superb and unique leadership qualities

  4. Challenges to present national leaders


 A. Meanings of Boon, Bane and Politics

  1. Boon means " helpful, beneficial, a favor, request ( Archaic), blessing; easy to get along with from Old Norse ' bon'- a request for a favor; do an extra mile."

  2. Bane means " cause of great harm, ruin, distress, annoyance, misery or death; typically a poison causing death ( Archaic); kryptonite to Superman

  3. Politics as a noun means as follows:

  a. Governance of a country; relations with other nations

  b. Way people living in groups make decisions

  c. Agreement between people so they can live in groups in a country

  d. Academic study of government and the state

  e. Global economic status backed by military capacity

 B. How did the Graeco- Roman world view Jesus?

  1. To the Romans, " Jesus was a troublemaker" for He was known as King of the Jews ( INRI)

    a. Founder of a group " who kept secrets; withdrew from normal social life and refused to participate in pagan religious rituals."

   b. Their religion was " polytheistic" and their 12 main gods were called a " pantheon" or " all gods."

  2. On the other hand, Jews " worshiped only one God" ( monotheistic) but refused to honor the traditional gods of Rome

  3.Jesus was a " political threat" who could have led a rebellion against the Roman government

  4. Jewish Rabbis " accused Him as a magician and that He led people astray."

C. His superb and unique leadership qualities

   1. He cared about the freedom of His followers to choose

      - did not force people to follow Him

      - " whosoever will may come"

   2. He had fixed principles and led people from strength, not weakness or uncertainty

      - " come and follow me" ( do what I do, not what I say)

   3. Not a long distance leader but worked with those He was serving

      - servant leader or a public servant

  4. Virtuous and by touching Him- virtue could flow from Him

     - Mark 5:24-34 ( bleeding woman healed by touching His cloak)

  5. He understood others by loving and listening to them

    - sympathetic ears to people

    - listened without condescending

    - reproof of Peter was kind but firm, not angry or perturbed, Luke 22:51; John 18:10-11

D. Challenges To Present National Leaders

  1. Help preserve order and make people live peaceful and quiet lives

    a. "The one in authority is God's servant, an agent of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer," Romans 13:3-4

    b. " the Lord is righteous and He loves justice," Psalm 11:11

  2. Protect all men in their enjoyment of divine blessings

    a. " Woe to him who builds his palace by unrighteousness..making his countrymen work for nothing, not paying them for their labor," Jeremiah 22:13 

    b. " Do not pervert justice; do not show partiality to the poor or favoritism to the great, but judge your neighbor fairly," Leviticus 19:15

  3.Become the " salt of the earth" and " light of the world," 

   a. Salt is a preservative, adds flavor and is a healing agent, Matthew 5:13-14

     - preserves the world from going bad or rotten by doing right and speaking the truth

        * keeps the world from being destroyed by God physically and spiritually

      - adds or enhances the flavor to the community and the nation

       - heals a broken world and guides broken lives to Jesus to be made whole

   b. Light removes darkness and makes people see Jesus as guide to heaven, Matthew 5:14-16

      - light ( good works) must be seen by all to glorify God

      - darkness ( Satan and sin) can be avoided when we are in Jesus as the Light of the world, John 8:12


 A. As Jesus said in Mark 12:17 " to render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's and to God the things that are God's"

  1. We have therefore to " seek God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added to you," Matthew 6:33

    a. Sp ritual things first followed by

    b. Physical needs- food, drink and clothing, Matthew 5:25

    2. Christ is inviting all to " come to Him for spiritual rest," Matthew 11:28-30

  B. Believe Jesus and be baptized to be saved spiritually, Mark 16:16

   1. Repent and be baptized to be forgiven and to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit, Acts 2:38

  2.Today is the day of your salvation, 2 Corinthians 6:2

  3. After death comes the judgment, Hebrews 9:27

  4. Judgment will begin with the household of God, I Peter 4:17

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