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Taking The Name of God In Vain ( Exodus 20;7)

DANIEL A OLIVA/05/05/2022

" You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain," ( Exodus 20:7) NKJV


 A. Many people, perhaps because of ignorance or neglect take God's name in vain.

  1. They think it is not important or serious how they take or use God's name.

  2. What does the Bible say about this subject? John 8:32

 B. We shall discuss several ways how people take or use God's name in vain today

  1.God's name is holy, sacred and must be respected

  2. Ways of Taking God's name in vain

     a. misusing God's name

     b. abusing God's name

  3. Reason for respecting God's name


 A. God's name is holy, sacred and must be respected.

  1. Jesus Himself commanded that God's holy name be honored ( hallowed), Matthew 6:9

 2. In Psalms 111:9, we read " holy and reverend is His name," ( KJV)

 3. The transliterated letters YHWH means I AM or the Eternal Being therefore must be respected..

    a. pronounced " yodh he wah he"

    b. yahweh or yehovah; jehovah (Latin)

 4.Psalms 29:2 " give to the Lord the glory due His name..."

 B. Ways of Taking or Using God's name in Vain

  1. " in vain" means lying, useless, as in Strong's Concordance " empty, perverse or irreverent ways"

  2. prayers can be vain or useless when we do not do God's will, Matthew 7:21

  3.Examples of Taking God's name ( a kind of blasphemy)

    - use of OMG ( oh my God) excitement, unbelief; variations " golly, gee, gosh" started in 1700's as " euphemisms"

  4.Matthew Henry's list of taking God's name in vain

   - hypocrisy ( professing to be a Christian but not living up to that profession)

   - covenant breaking ( not carrying out promised actions, e.g. Ananias and Sapphira)

    - rash swearing, Jephthah's vow in Judges 11:30-31

    - false swearing or oath ( perjury in court, retraction)

    - using God's name lightly and carelessly, e.g. spells, jest or sport, e.g. Jesus Christ Superstar, names of persons, streets

 C. Reasons for Respecting God's name

   1. " the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain," Exodus 20:7b

   2. " O Lord, how excellent ( majestic) is your name in all the earth," Psalms 8:1

  3. Leviticus 24: 10-16 ( the son of an Egyptian and Israelitish parents who blasphemed God's name was stoned to death)

  4. Unfulfilled promises to others in God's name make God a liar, I John 1:10

   - in God's name, we engage divine honor, fidelity, truthfulness and authority

   5. " let your yes be yes," said Jesus in Matthew 5:37

   6. James 5:12 " swear not..not by heaven or by the earth, but let your yes be yes..lest you fall into condemnation."


 A. To avoid " taking or using God's name in vain,"  we have to follow Paul's advice

  1. Colossians 3:17 " whatsoever you do in word or in deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father, by Him."

  2.Jesus said in Matthew 12:36-37 " every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.

  For by your words you shall be justified, and by your words you will be condemned!"

 B. So if we have been taking God's name, it is high time we have to

   1. Believe Christ as our Savior, Mark 16;16

   2. Confess Him as Lord/ Redeemer, Matthew 10:32

   3. Repent/ turn away from our sins

   4. Be baptized for forgiveness of our sins and to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit, Acts 2:38

  C. Jesus is now inviting you to come to Him, Matthew 11:28-30

  D. Now is the day of salvation, 2 Corinthians 6:2