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Crucifixion Events- Examined ( Matthew 27:45, 51-53; Mark 15:33,39; Luke 23:44-45, 47-48)

D A OLIVA/04/10/2022


 A. The usual focus of discussion is on Jesus' suffering on the cross.

 1. There were events that should be examined as they prove Jesus as " the Son of God," John 3:16

 2. These shall be analyzed herein to affirm that truly Jesus is the Messiah/ the Christ, John 8:32

B. What were these notable happenings that should herein examined?

 1. The Three-Hour Darkness

 2. The Earthquake, Rocks Broken, Veil Torn

 3. Tombs opened, Dead Raised

 4. Words of the Centurion

 5. Multitudes Smote their Breasts


 A. The three-hour darkness from 12 noon to 3 pm

 1. Mentioned in Matthew 27:45; Mark 15:33 and Luke 23:44 " darkness in the whole land, from the 6th to 9th hour; sun's light failing."

 2. Written in the Synoptic ( literally " one or same eye") gospels, hence significant

 3.Geologists and others say that there occurred a " solar eclipse, an coverage of clouds and dust or sand storm!"

 4. The truth- it was a miracle to enhance God's redemptive plan for mankind!

B. The Earthquake, Rocks Broken and The Temple Veil Torn

 1. Historians assert that Jesus died on April 14-15, 33 AD in the month of Nissan

 2.Again, geologists and others state that there were " earthquakes" in that area between 30-33 AD and felt even in the Dead Sea locality?

 3. No intensity was stated but " rocks were broken and temple veil torn!"

 4. Truth: Miraculous and part of God's way of proving that Jesus was His Son

C. Tombs Opened, Dead Raised, Went to Holy City and Seen by Many

 1. Mentioned only by Matthew 27:52-53 " many of the saints were raised, after His resurrection, entered the Holy City and appeared to many!"

 2. When did these things happen? During or after the crucifixion or after Jesus' resurrection?

 3. Possible Explanations offered:

  a. Matthew was writing figuratively and poetically

  b. As stated by Matthew " after His resurrection" and must be accepted literally

 c. Matthew wrote by the Spirit's inspiration

 d. Truth- still miraculous and must be believed as God has the power to do such things!

 D. Words of the Centurion and others

  1. Stated in Matthew 27:54; Mark 15:39 and Luke 23:47 " truly, this was a Son of God, a righteous man!"

 2. Best explanation: Either, the centurion truly believed in Jesus or an Gentile acceptance of Christ as one of the " deified" beings!

 3. Stated by different persons at different periods during His crucifixion

 4. Truth- darkness, earthquake were God's ways of telling men that Jesus was His Son, Philippians 2:5-8

E. Multitudes Smote Their Breasts

 1.Mentioned in Luke 23:48 " and all the multitudes that came together to this sight..returned smiting their breasts!"

 2.For what reason? Were they convinced that truly Jesus was the Messiah and God's Son?

 3. Some claimed that these " multitudes" were present during the Pentecost, repented and were baptized, Acts 2:38

 4. Possible explanation: they were engulfed with fear, alarm and anguish as " they were part in killing an innocent man!"


 A. The crucifixion events as examined are undeniable proofs of Christ's deity

 1. His " once and for all time" supreme sacrifice, Hebrews 10:10 is meant to save humanity from sin

 2. He now invites you to come to Him and accept Him as your Lord and Savior

  a. Matthew 11:28-30 is His great invitation to one and all

  b. The time to accept Him is now for " today is the Day of Salvation," 2 Corinthians 6:2

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