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Judas, the Traitor-the Reasons! ( John 6:70-71)

DANNY A OLIVA/03/27/2022

" Then Jesus replied, ' Have I not chosen you, the Twelve? Yet one of you is a devil?' He meant Judas, the son of Simon Iscariot, who, though one of the Twelve, was later to betray Him." John 6:70-71 ( KJV)


 A. Many still ask the perplexing question: Why did Judas betray His Lord and Master Jesus Christ?

 1. Having been with Jesus for 3 years and a half, seeing His miraculous powers over nature and people, Judas could have known His Lord Jesus very well?

 2. But why did Judas betray His Master? Were the 30 pieces of silver enough reason for betraying Jesus?  Let us know the reason, John 8:32

 B. Let us study this subject in the following manner:

 1. Who was Judas Iscariot, son of Simon?

 2. What were his reasons for betraying Jesus?

 3. As he " repented" was he forgiven by Jesus?


 A. Who was Judas, son of Simon Iscariot?

  1. Why was he enlisted as one of Jesus' inner disciples and then apostles- only to betray His Master?

  2. Judas came from Kerioth in the tribe of Judah, Joshua 15:25 ( Ish Kerioth or a man from Kerioth)

 3. Having been a listener of John, the Baptist, Judas had his own vision of a " messianic hope."

 4. Judas had special traits to have been chosen as treasurer among the Twelve, John 13:29

  - later greed and unfaithfulness led him to embezzlement

 5. Most accepted reason: it was part of God's plan that even a traitor could not deny

 B. Reasons for betraying Jesus.

  1. " Anger" at the public rebuke by Christ at the house of Simon, the Leper, Matthew 26:8-9

 2. " Avarice or covetousness" John 12:6

 3. " Bad feeling" against Jesus whose words and character were a continual rebuke of his being a thief

 4. " Disappointment" as Jesus insisted on foretelling His death in stead of proclaiming His kingdom

 5. " Hope of gaining a position" of honor and influence with the Pharisees and Sadducees

 C. As Judas repented, was he forgiven by Jesus?

 1. When he saw the results of his betrayal, he repented himself, Matthew 27:3-10

 2. He returned the reward money to the Pharisees, Matthew 27:5

 3. In his despair, he hanged himself and died, Acts 1:18, 25

 4. His repentance was similar to that of Esau's repentance, Genesis 27:32-38; Hebrews 12:16-17

 5. Clearly, he was NOT forgiven for he killed himself,Exodus 20:13


 A. Lesson: a true and faithful friend once can betray us in this life of uncertainty

 1. Often said, " your best friend now can be your worst enemy later," e.g. Brutus to Julius Causar

 2. Thus, in the family, in the church, in the community and in a nation- there will always be a Judas in your life.

  - you can the victim as Jesus was

  - Matthew 10:34-35 ( a man's enemies will be members of his household)

 B. Only Jesus is our sure, true and faithful in this life. We can always trust Him

  1. He now invites you to come to Him for salvation, Matthew 11:28-30

  2. Accept Him now, for Today is the Day of your Salvation, 2 Corinthians 6:2

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