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Church Autonomy / Cooperation- How? ( Acts 14:23; Titus 1:5)

D A OLIVA/01/09/2022


 A. New Testament churches of Christ were autonomous, Romans 16:16

   1.We shall discuss autonomy and cooperation among churches of the Lord

   2. We shall learn this from God's words as Jesus said in John 8:32

 B. Our approach in this lesson shall be as follows:

  1. Define autonomy and its three aspects

  2. Cooperation among churches without violating autonomy and some problems

  3. Goals and challenges for the 21st century


 A. Autonomy is self-rule, government, also independence and freedom

  1.The Indigenous church must be:

  . Self-governing- with elders and deacons, Philippians 1:1

   Self-supporting (finances its own activities)

   Self-propagating (multiplies/ reproduces itself; after its own kind)

  2.Some church problems today

   . Self-supporting but not self-governing

    . Self-supporting but not self-propagating as the " preacher does most of the work) - this violates Matthew 28:19-20

 B. Cooperation Without Violating Autonomy

  1. Paul asked financial help from Gentile churches to relieve the poor saints in Jerusalem

   a. Romans 15:25- 32

   b. I Corinthians 16:1-4

   c. 2 Corinthians 8:9

  2. Paul allowed churches to take care of their own affairs, Titus 1:5

  3. In the same way, visiting evangelists must/should respect local church autonomy by not dictating on their plans and decisions

  4. Paul, even if he was an apostle with authority from Christ (Matthew 28:18-20; Matthew 16:19; 18:18) did not dictate on churches, but let the elders decide on their plans/ decisions


 A. Churches should aim to be autonomous and indigenous congregations

   1. Self-governing

   2. Self-supporting

   3. Self-propagating

  B. But be a NT Christian first before anything else

   1. Christ is inviting you now, Matthew 11:28-30

   2. Now is the day of salvation, 2 Corinthians 6:2