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Daniel A Oliva/05/01/2024

" Thus, you nullify the Word of God by your tradition that you have handed down. And you do many things like that, " Mark 7:13

   A. The Pharisees and teachers of the law " saw some of the disciples eating food with unwashed hands," Mark 7:2-3
     1. And they asked Jesus, " Why don't your disciples live according to the traditions of the elders...? Mark 7:5
     2. Jesus answered them, " But with your " corban " ( devoted to God) you have violated the law " Honor your father and mother," Exodus 20:12
     3. So Jesus said, " You nullify the Word of God by your tradition," Mark 7:13

   B. Today, there are many examples of human traditions " nullifying " the Words of God.
     1. Celebrating Legal Holidays With Pagan Origins
     2. Religious Items and Signs With " Supernatural Powers"
     3. Present Harmful Beliefs and Superstitions
      4. God's Words Must Be Strictly Followed

   A. Celebrating Legal Holidays With Pagan Origins
     1 .The feast day of Easter was first a PAGAN holiday of renewal and rebirth
       a. Honored in the early spring, it praised the PAGAN goddess of fertility known as " OSTARA."
       b. Eastre or Eostre is the source of the word Easter today from Ostara, the goddess of fertility.  
       c. It is believed that the Easter Bunny, hares and eggs date back to the 13th century in Germany
       d. Due to its prolific breeding tendencies, the " rabbit " became a symbol for Eostra.
       e. Eggs were used as " fertility symbols" since antiquity.
       f. In A.D. 325 Emperor Constantine favored Christianity.
       g. Easter Sunday later was celebrated as the " resurrection day" of Jesus Christ.
         - preceding Easter is LENT a time of abstinence and penance
         - Easter became the perfect opportunity for " Christians" to recommit to their beliefs.

    2. May 1st or Labor Day is a holiday established in 1894 to honor labor movements that improved the conditions of workers.
       a. Modern? No, it is NOT. May 1st was celebrated in ancient times too.
       b. For the Romans, May 1st was dedicated to " Maia," an ancient goddess of fire and fertility.
       c. The entire month of May was and is still named after her.
       d. After the " Christianization " of the Roman Empire, the church decided " convert the ancient festival of Maia into a holiday...
        - dedicated to another heavenly mother, the " virgin " Mary.

     3. Saint John's Eve...John, the Baptist is the one and only saint who is celebrated on his " birth date " instead of his death " anniversary."
       a. The traditional birthday of John is celebrated on June 24th- the beginning of the " diminishing sun " or the solstice.
       b. " Christians " celebrated June 24th since the 4th century.
       c. Irish bonfires or herbs were collected on St John's Eve " to keep evil spirits away."
       d. The Romans on the night of June 24th gathered around bonfires, danced, feasted and drank in honor of Fortuna, the goddess of luck.

   B. Religious Items and Signs With "Supernatural Powers"
     1. The CRUCIFIX is the most common symbol of some " so called " Christians.
       a. It is a CROSS with the figure of the body of Jesus Christ attached to it
       b. The CRUCIFIX is regarded as a symbol of " sacrifice and atonement" that Jesus Christ did for the sins of the whole world.
       c.The Catholic, Orthodox, Anglican, Lutheran churches, et.al. use the CRUCIFIX in public religious services.
       d. But for some " so called " Christians, the CRUCIFIX is a symbol of Christ's triumph over evil
       e. As such, it remains a central part of " exorcisms " ( attempted expulsion of a supposed evil spirit or demon from a person or place )
       f. Some use the "crucifix" as gifts for rites such as " baptism and confirmation."
       g. Others wore " cross necklace pendants" as signs of protection, happiness and spirituality.

     2. Making the SIGN of the CROSS is a ritual blessing by some so-called Christians
       a. Made by the tracing of the cross across the body with the right hand accompanied by Trinitarian formula.
       b.Its use started in the 3rd Century " for minor exorcism of baptism, prayer times and in times of temptation."
       c. Some people use the expression " cross my heart and hope to die" as an oath to show truthfulness and sincerity, sworn before God.

     3. The ROSARY or use of " knotted prayer ropes" goes back to the Desert Fathers between the 3rd and 4th centuties.
       a. After the First Council of Ephesus in AD 431, the use of the ROSARY grew in the Middle Ages.
       b. Meditation and praying of Hail Marys are attributed to Dominic of Prussia, a 15th Century monk.
       c.In 1569, the Papal Bull established the devotion to the ROSARY in the Catholic church.
       d. The Parts of the ROSARY are as follows:
        - Apostles Creed, Our Father, Hail Marys, Glory Be and so forth
       e. The supposed benefits of praying the ROSARY are as follows:
        - promised graces and indulgences
        - brings victory victory in battle
        - opportunity to reflect on the gospel mysteries
         -  perfect way to make time for God

   C. Present Harmful Beliefs and Superstitions
      1. Superstitions are long held beliefs and practices " rooted in coincidences and cultural traditions.
        - often connected to " pagan beliefs or religious practices that were widespread in the past."
      2. BLACK CATS became associated with evil forces and witches.
        a. In Germany, a black cat crossing one's path from left to right is a " sign of bad news and death in the near future."
        b. But some cultures believe that " black cats " are a sign of good luck
      3. NUMBER 13 is regarded as imperfect or defiled.
         a. In early Christian and Nordic traditions, the 13th guest at the table is the " one who will bring the whole group down.
         b. The word for fear of NUMBER 13 is " triskaidekaphobia."
        4. TABI- TABI PO- a common phrase said out loud when passing through dwellings of spirits or demons, such as cemeteries or haunted places.
          a. " It is a way to show respect and avoid disturbing spirits and...
          b. other mythical creatures who live in those areas mentioned."
       5. KULAM are " spells, curses or black magic uttered against people for revenge."
         a.  Termed also as BARANG are  associated with Indigeneous Philippine religions and practices.
         b. the witch or mangkukulam uses a doll, a needle and candle-lighting rituals
          c. anything performed on the doll will either torture or kill the victim.
        6.GAYUMA or CHARM is considered a type of " black magic " to allure or attract someone.
          - this usually manifests itself in the form of " love potion or aphrodisiac."
          - called also as AGIMAT or a love charm making the owner " more attractive to the opposite sex."
   D. God's Words Must Be Strictly Followed
     1. When men teach their own " invented" traditions, they worship God vainly ( Matthew 15:9 )
         a. Thus, man " rejects the commandments of God, when they keep their own traditions."
          b. Devotion to " man made traditions makes " honoring God as ALL TALK and NO HEART."  
      2. Jude, the Lord's brother wrote " earnestly contend ( defend ) for the faith which was ONCE and FOR ALL delivered to saints," Jude 1:3
      3. Paul said in Ephesians 4:5 " there is ONE FAITH,"  not many!
      4. In I Corinthians 4:6, the apostle stated the RULE: " do NOT go beyond the things that are written."
      5. Paul advised Timothy " to refuse profane and old wives' fables but exercise yourself to godliness," I Timothy 4:7
         a. " old wives' tales" were superstitious myths or silly claims about God
         b. they were " unreliable hearsays" which do not honor God
      6. Deuteronomy 4:2 forbids " adding to or diminishing from God's commands."

   A. Jesus censured the Jewish leaders of His time for " prioritizing human traditions above God's laws."
      1.Today, this principle still applies in " truly obeying God's commands."
       2. Jesus said, " If you love ME, you will keep MY commandments," John 14:15
   B. To become a true disciple of Christ today, you have to..
        1. " Believe and be baptized tp be saved," Mark 16:16
        2. " Repent for the forgiveness of sins and to receive the GIFT of the HOLY SPIRIT, " Acts 2:38
       3. Obey Jesus NOW for " today is the ACCEPTABLE TIME and the DÀY of SALVATION," 2 Corinthians 6:2
      4. Jesus is inviting everyone to come to HIM now, Matthew 11:28-30