- Evangelism is to be a central feature of the Lord's church...
- To make disciples of all the nations - cf. Mt 28:19-20
- To preach the gospel to every person - cf. Mk 16:15-16
- There are many good ways to evangelize...
- Public preaching and teaching, private studies and conversations, TV, radio, the Internet
- What works well often depends on the circumstances, the culture, etc.
- What works well in many places can be described as "Congregational Evangelism"...
- Assuming there is a congregation that already exists in a community
- Assuming its members are willing to do their part to make it work
[The term "Congregational Evangelism" could be used to describe many different efforts by local churches. In this study, I will use it to describe one particular approach...]
- Making use of the members' contacts
- Each member has a network of potential contacts
- These contacts may be family, friends, neighbors, coworkers
- Making use of the members' abilities
- Each member has some ability to offer
- These abilities may vary; i.e., hospitality, teaching
-- With any congregation of Christians, there is the potential for evangelism
- Making use of the congregation's assemblies
- Christians assemble regularly for worship and Bible study
- These assemblies involve praise to God and interaction with those present
- What happens can have an impact on those who visit
- Consider Paul's comments in 1Co 14:23-25
- Note that the impact can be either negative or positive
-- When assemblies are utilized positively, you have "Congregational Evangelism"!
["Congregational Evangelism" occurs when the members' utilize their contacts and abilities in conjunction with their assemblies to produce a positive effect among those who visit. Now consider...]
- The members must commit themselves to evangelism - cf. 1 Pe 2:9,10
- The members must invite people to services (via cards, phone, letters) - cf. Jn 1:46
- The members must extend kindness to those who visit - cf. He 13:2
- The members must display a positive picture for visitors - cf. 1Co 14:23-25
- The members must create opportunities for teaching - e.g., Ac 10:24
- One does not even need to know what to teach
- They can connect the visitor or prospect with a teacher
-- Everyone must be committed and do that which provides opportunities for those willing and able to teach
- The members must arrive early
- Visitors usually arrive early and leave early
- The best opportunity to visit is before services
- The members must greet the visitors
- Greet them in the parking lot
- Greet them before services begin
- Members sitting on the back rows are the "welcoming committee"
- The members must offer worship that edifies - cf. 1Co 14:23-25,26b
- By those who lead, setting the example (e.g., enthusiastic)
- Starting with those who make the announcements
- Continuing with those who lead in song and prayer
- And of course, the preacher!
- By every member also setting an example
- By how they sing (or do not sing) - cf. 1Co 14:15
- By how they pray (do I hear an "Amen"?) - cf. 1Co 14:15-16
- By how they listen (with readiness, or apparent boredom?) - cf. Ac 17:11
- The members must visit with the visitors
- After services, if not before
- Visitors must be given priority over other members
- You can always visit with the members
- This may be your only opportunity with the visitors
-- When a visitor leaves our services, what will they think? Will they want to return?
- Hopefully, their experience will encourage them to return again and again...
- Where there will be opportunity to learn more
- Where opportunities for personal study will be more likely
- Where eventually the gospel is shared and gratefully received!
- "Congregational Evangelism" as defined in this study, is nothing more than...
- The members of a congregation utilizing their individual contacts, inviting people to services
- Making sure that those who visit are encouraged by what they see to return
When this happens, the opportunity to sow the seed will be greatly enhanced...!