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Raymond Sieg/01/14/2024


         1. This morning our lesson was based on the admonition to "be diligent."
         2. Although he did not use these exact words, "Solomon instructed God's people to be diligent."
         3. In doing so, Solomon mentioned our common destiny -- "the grave."
         4. The grave is not a pleasant subject, but we understand it is a reality for everyone (see vs.5a;
            Ecclesiastes 3:2; Hebrews 9:27).
         5. Solomon mentioned some additional information that we need to consider.
         6. In the grave certain things will not be found, including "work," "device [planning]," "knowledge" and
         7. Because none of these things exist in the grave, we are given this wise word of instruction: "Whatsoever
             thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might."
         8. In the grave it will be too late to give attention to these things; therefore we must be diligent in pursuing
             them while we can.
         9. By pursuing these things with our might we can be prepared when our time comes to go to the grave.


I.           "KNOWLEDGE"  AND  "WISDOM"

         A. By contrasting a wise man and a foolish man we can see how important it is to pursue knowledge and
             1. (Proverbs 1:2-5a) A wise man seeks after knowledge and wisdom.
             2. (Proverbs 1:7b) A foolish man despises wisdom and instruction.
             3. We know which man will please the Lord.
         B. Pursuing knowledge and wisdom requires diligent study, which is not easy; however, this is something
             that the Lord wants us to do while we can.
         C. When we pursue knowledge and wisdom we are being like Christ (Luke 2:52).
         D. Since "knowledge" and "wisdom" do not exist in the grave we must follow Solomon's instruction to be
             diligent (Ecclesiastes 9:10a).

II.          "WORK"

         A. From the beginning God has instructed man to work (Genesis 2:15; 3:19).
         B. The New Testament teaches Christians to be good workers.
             1. Ephesians 6:5-8
             2. Colossians 3:22-25
         C. Working and being good workers require great effort, but the Lord wants us to pursue these matters
             while we can.
         D. Since there is no "work" in the grave we must follow Solomon's wise instruction to be diligent
             (Ecclesiastes 9:10a).

III.         "DEVICE"

         A. Device: planning, setting of goals
         B. An event that occurred during the Lord's ministry teaches us to give careful attention to our plans and
             goals (Matthew 19:16-22).
             1. This man had a worthy goal, but he was not willing to pay the price to achieve it.
             2. Consequently, he did not reach his goal.
         C. The Lord wants us to pursue spiritual goals and plans and pay the price to achieve them while we can
             (Matthew 6:33).
         D. Since there is no "device" in the grave we must follow Solomon's wise instruction to be diligent
             (Ecclesiastes 9:10a).


         1. By following Solomon's instruction to be diligent we can be prepared for the grave.
         2. We can have the confidence expressed by Paul in 2 Timothy 4:6-8.