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Daniel A Oliva/03/10/2024

" If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have NOT love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal.

   If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and If I have faith that can move mountains, but have NOT love, I am nothing.
   If I give all I possess to the poor and surrender my body to be burned, but have NOT love, I gain NOTHING,"  I Corinthians 13:1-3

   A.Many believe that " good works" are enough to be pleasing before God and men
     1. " Let your light shine before men so they may see your good works and glorify the Father in heaven, " Matthew 5-:16
     2. " As we have opportunity, let us do good to all men, especially to those of the household of faith," Galatians 6:10
     3. What does the Bible say? Let us know the TRUTH, John 8:32

   B. The approach in this lesson shall be as follows:
     1. The Language of Men and of Angels
     2. Gifts of Prophecy, Knowledge and Understanding Mysteries
     3. Having Faith That Can Move Mountains
     4. Giving Away Riches and Dying in Flames

   A. The Language of Men and of Angels
      1. On Pentecost Day, the apostles spoke in tongues, preached the gospel and 3000 obeyed the Lord in baptism, Acts 2:41
      2. But speaking in tongues stopped for we have now the " perfect law of liberty, " I Corinthians 13:8; James 1:25
      3. Angels have their own language,- I Corinthians 13:1, but they use " human language" in talking with man, Galatians 1:8
      4. Paul's point is clear: ability to speak in tongues and in angelic languages is NOTHING when a person does NOT have LOVE!

   B. Gifts of Prophecy, Knowledge and Understanding Mysteries
      1. As the New Testament was NOT yet written, the disciples received special gifts:
       a. prophesying was " speaking for God or teaching His precepts."
       b. knowledge was through the apostles " laying on of hands," Acts 8:14-17.
      c. Understanding mysteries was one of the gifts mentioned in 2 Corinthians 12:11
      2. Again, all of these are USELESS, when one has NO LOVE!

   C. Having Faith That Can Move Mountains?
      1. Faith in God can be " little," Matthew 6:30 or " great," Matthew 8:8-10 
      2. The " faith that can move mountains," Mark 11:22-23
      3. Some argue " faith that can move mountains" is NOT literal but only a figure of speech?
      4. Isaiah 40:4 states, " Every valley shall be raised up, every mountain and hill made low; the rough ground shall become level, and the rugged places a plain."
      5. Of course, the real power to move mountains is in God and NOT in man.
      6. Jesus told His disciples, " If you have faith as a mustard seed, you can move mountains."
      7. Nothing will be impossible for you, for nothing is impossible with God, " Matthew 17:20; Luke 1:37
      8. But faith that can move mountains WITHOUT love is still nothing or useless in God's sight!

   D. Giving Away Riches and Dying in Flames?
      1. Paul stressed that " giving all your posessions to the poor and sacrificing your body without love is NOTHING."
      2. Ananias and Sapphira gave away their money without love," Acts 5:4
      3. Robert Louis Stevenson wrote " You can GIVE without LOVING but you can never love without giving."
      4. The supreme example of " giving with LOVE was when God gave Jesus to mankind!
      5. John 3:16 " For God so LOVED the world that He GAVE His only begotten Son...! "
      6. Dying without LOVE is possible but is considered useless or nothing in God's sight.
      7. Suicide is a form of " dying without LOVE but a result of depression," e.g. Judas Iscariot
      8. " In pursuit of clicks, likes and followers, some daredevils are risking injury or even DEATH."
      9. " A subculture has emerged..people seek out death- defying situations for the likes, followers and adulation of fans on social media."

   A. But the Son of Man came " to give His life as a RANSOM for many" because of LOVE, Mark 10:45
      1. Love in I Corinthians 13:1-3 is " agape " which means " divine or godly love that put others FIRST.
      2. This refers primarily to " loving God and loving our fellowen, " Matthew 22:37-39
   B. Jesus said, " If you LOVE me, you will OBEY my commandments," John 14:15
      1. " He who believes and is baptized shall be SAVED, " Mark 16:16
      2. " Repent and be baptized for the remission of sins and to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit, " Acts 2:38
      3. The time to obey Jesus is NOW. Today is the Day of Salvation, 2 Corinthians 6:2
      4. Christ invites EVERYONE to come to Him for spiritual rest, Matthew 11:28-30