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Daniel A Oliva/01/07/2024

" Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new, " ( 2 Corinthians 5:17 )

   A. Many do not really understand and appreciate the meaning of " being new creations of God."
     1. They presume that " a new life in Christ" is just for Sunday church activities only.
     2. To clear up the confusion and misconception about the New Life, we shall know the truth, John 8:32.

   B. Our approach in this lesson shall be as follows:
     1. Inclusivity of the New Life in Christ
     2. The Real Meaning of New Life of Christ?
     3. Old Things Have Passed Away
     4. New Things In The New Life in Christ

   A. Inclusivity of the New Life in Christ
      1. " If anyone is in Christ.." means God welcomes everyone to have a New Life in Christ.
      2. The Old Law was given to the Israelites, but it welcomed Gentiles as proselytes.
      3. " There is neither Jew nor Greek, neither slave nor free;  neither male nor female; for you are one in Christ Jesus," Galatians 3:28-29
      4. " The law of Moses was given as a schoolmaster or tutor to bring Israel to Christ," Galatians 3:23-24
      5. Other passages that prove the Inclusivity of the New Life:
        a. John 3:16 " that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but shall have everlasting life."
        b. Mark 16:16 " He who believes and is baptized shall be saved."
        c. Matthew 11:28 " Come unto me all who labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest..."

   B. The Real Meaning of the New Life in Christ
     1. Simply it means " salvation in Jesus Christ, a gift described as the new life."
       a. " Neos " ( nevo ) describes that which is new in time, Colossians 3:10
       b. " Kainos" ( kainov ) describes what is new in NATURE, different from the usual..better than the old and superior in significance
       c. Used in conjunction with " zoe" ( zwhv ) it describes the essence of what God has done through Jesus Christ..who has given us the NEW LIFE!
     2. Our old ways die and our " new life is hidden with Christ in God," Colossians 3:3
       - the new life is a " moment-by-moment" renewal where we actively choose..
       - to leave our old ways behind, the ones controlled by sin and death; and walk in Christ
     3. Believers begin a New Life when they are born again by the Spirit, I Peter1:3
     4. Regeneration places believers on the road of faith whereby they become new creations, 2 Cor.5:17
     5. And enjoy a " new life in Christ " Romans 6:4
     6. In spite of that reality, believers " wrestle with the old nature and self" and they must put on the " new self" Ephesians 4:24
      7. And to follow the " New Commandment of Christ," I John 2:8

   C. Old Things Have Passed Away?
      1. The life of unbelievers had " old things" which refer to sinful nature.
      2. They are separated from God, Isaiah 59:1-2
      3. Their life styles display the " works of the flesh," Galatians 5:19-21
      4. While " atheists," despite their moral values, live primarily for themselves.
      5. Unregenerated people, though perhaps religious, are condemned because of their sins
         a. Romans 3:19
         b. Galatians 3:10
      6. They remain " slaves to sin," Romans 7:14-23
      7. Unless, they would repent ,they will face God's wrath on the Day of Judgment
         a. Romans 2:6-11
         b. Revelation 20:12

   D. New Things In The New Life In Christ
      1. The gift of " new life " was foretold by the Old Testament prophets:
        a. " The gift of a new heart and a new spirit, " Ezekiel 26:36
        b. " the New Covenant "  ( Jeremiah 31:31 )
        c. Isaiah spoke of a " new name," Isaiah 62:2
      2. But believers in Christ have only a " foretaste of that which is to come in fullness."
        a. God eventually will make everything new, Revelation 21:5
        b. There will be a " new heaven and a new earth," Revelation 21:1
        c. A new Jerusalem, Revelation 3:12
        d. The saints will enjoy a " new name " Revelation 2:17
        e. They will sing a " new song," Revelation 5:9   
    3.The " peace of Christ" should be allowed to rule in the hearts of believers," Colossians 3:15
    4. Your relationship with God has been restored and you are now called a Christian, Acts 11:26
    5. Our minds should be set on things above where Christ is seated, Colossians 3:1
    6. We should do all things in the name of our Lors Jesus Christ, giving thanks to the Father, through Him
    7. Finally, we should trust God " to do new things; to make ways in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.." Isaiah 43:19-20

   A. The New Life in Christ begins with the following steps:
     1. Jesus told Nicodemus, " Unless one is born of water and Spirit, he can not enter the Kingdom of God," John 3:3,5
     2. The new birth leading to new life begins with " faith and baptism," Hebrews 11:6; Mark 16:16
     3. One has " repent and be baptized for the remission of sins and to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit," Acts 2:38; I Corinthians 3:16
     4. " Now is the acceptable time! Today is the Day of Salvation," 2 Corinthians 6:2
     5. Jesus is inviting everyone to come to Him for spiritual rest, Matthew 11:28-30