Raj Buo is new evangelist of Wanchai church (05/16/2023)
Rajahpad Buo and his wife Dea were recently welcomed by Wanchai church of Christ in Hongkong, as replacement for Felix Olidan and wife Macrina, who had been there for 15 years.... More
Two souls added to the Lord's church en San Pedro de Lovago (05/10/2023)
An FB post of Iglesia de Cristo en San Pedro de Lovago revealed that two souls were added to the Lord's church in May, 2023.... More
The Bishop couple now works with the local church of Christ (05/10/2023)
The Bishop couple now works with the local church of Christ at Banga, Aklan in Panay I... More
Spanish-speaking Christian ladies prepare teaching materials! (05/03/2023)
The ladies of San Benito church in Managua, Nicaragua in South America prepared teaching materials for children's classes.... More
American missionaries visit churches in Luzon Island (05/01/2023)
Kenneth J. Wilkey, former Director of Philippine Bible in Baguio City, along with brother Blasingame, husband to the late Bob Buchanan's daughter visited the Philippines in April, 2023.... More
Preaching at Golden Gate Park (04/19/2023)
Last Sunday, April 12, 2023, Kenneth Wilson, a fourteen-year-old eighth-grader and member of the preaching staff at Golden Gate Church of Christ, suggested that they preach the gospel at Golden Gate P... More
Terry B Denis
Alarcon Family added to the Lord's church in Cabanatuan City (02/13/2023)
Coming out from various so-called Christian groups and searching for the New Testament church of Christ, the Alarcon family found what they were looking for.... More
Eleven people baptized into Christ in a gospel meeting (01/16/2023)
Corn Farm church of Christ in a recent FB post reported that 11 people were baptized into Christ as a result of gospel meeting with Thompson Geezaye as speaker.... More
75 year old accepts Christ in baptism (01/16/2023)
An FB post of Samuel G. Sherman revealed that a 75 year old man was baptized into Christ right after the worship service.... More
Metro- Manila church appoints 3 bishops! (01/15/2023)
Metro- Manila church of Christ that meets at 31 Samar Avenue, South Triangle in Quezon City recently appointed three elders, also known as bishops, overseers or presbyters.... More