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Personal Evangelism Day 個人佈道日

/ 2024-05-01

Every second Sunday of each month, we do personal evangelism. We were divided into groups, and each group had a designated place to go to like WanChai Park, Tamar Park, Charter Garden, and the Forum. We distribute Bible Tracts and offer Bible Study to those who are willing to listen about Jesus and the salvation He offers for us to have everlasting life with Him.
每個月的第二個星期天,我們都會進行個人講道。 我們分成小組,每個小組都有指定的去處,例如灣仔公園、添馬公園、查特花園、論壇。 我們向那些願意聆聽耶穌和祂為我們提供與祂一起獲得永生的救恩的人分發聖經單張並提供聖經研究。
It seems like an easy task to some people, but it is not. Before we do it, we prepare ourselves. We must have the attitude of being friendly, loving, patient, and understanding. Oftentimes, some people ignore us, turn their back on us, and show unwillingness to accept when we are handling Bible Tracts.
對某些人來說,這似乎是一項容易的任務,但事實並非如此。 在我們這樣做之前,我們先做好準備。 我們必須有友善、愛心、耐心、理解的態度。 很多時候,當我們處理聖經單張時,有些人會忽略我們、背棄我們、不願意接受。
Here in Hong Kong, it is only on Sunday that Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) can meet up with friends and families and enjoy the day off. This is a busy day for us to do the things we cannot do during the week when we are working. Sunday is the day to relax and get in touch with our loved ones back home either through phone calls or video chat. This is the reason why it is not easy to get people’s attention when we go to parks to do personal evangelism.
在香港,只有周日海外菲律賓工人(OFW)才能與朋友和家人見面並享受假期。 這對我們來說是忙碌的一天,要做我們一週工作時不能做的事情。 週日是放鬆的一天,可以透過電話或視訊與家中的親人取得聯繫。 這就是為什麼我們去公園傳福音不容易引起人們的注意。
In today’s generation, people are more focused on gadgets, social media, and other entertainment that give short-term happiness. We forget the importance of knowing God, having a relationship with Him who can give us peace in this troubled world, who gives light in this dark world, and who gives hope of everlasting life when Jesus returns.
在現今這一代,人們更關注小玩意、社群媒體和其他能帶來短期快樂的娛樂。 我們忘記了認識神、與祂建立關係的重要性,祂可以在這個動盪的世界中為我們帶來平安,祂可以在這個黑暗的世界中帶來光明,並且當耶穌再來時,祂可以帶來永生的盼望。
We must continue with the work despite all these. As Christians, we should do our part to proclaim the gospel with our lips and our lives knowing that it is God who is going to work in people’s hearts to bring them to faith.
儘管如此,我們仍必須繼續進行工作。 身為基督徒,我們應該盡自己的一份力量,用我們的嘴唇和生活來傳播福音,因為我們知道神會在人們的心中做工,讓他們相信
Romans 10:14 says “How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?”
羅馬書10章14節說:「這樣,人怎能求告那素不信的人呢? 他們怎麼能相信一個他們沒聽過的人呢? 如果沒有人向他們講道,他們怎麼能聽到呢?”
People need the Lord and must be brought to the salvation that Christ offers. Evangelism is one of the works of the Lord’s church producing heaven-bound souls. It is a spiritual task for all Christ’s followers and true children of God.
人需要主,並且必須被帶到基督所提供的救恩面前。 傳福音是主的教會的工作之一,目的是培養升天的靈魂。 對於所有基督的追隨者和上帝真正的孩子來說,這是一項精神任務。
In 2 Corinthians 5:18 apostle Paul said, “Now all these things are from God who reconciled us to Himself through Christ, and who has given us the ministry of reconciliation.”
使徒保羅在哥林多後書五章十八節說:「這一切都是出於神,祂藉著基督使我們與祂和好,又將勸人與祂和好的職分賜給我們。 」
May the sharing of our faith become effective by the acknowledgment of every good thing which is in us in Christ Jesus (Philemon 1:6).  
願我們的信仰分享因承認我們在基督耶穌裡的每樣良善而變得有效(腓利門書 1:6)。 < Edna A. Galang>