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Self-Supporting Evangelist Keeps Aringay, La Union Vibrant

/ 2024-04-16

Jay Manongdo Vanquiray, son of the late Romeo Vanquiray, a BTh graduate of PBC in the late 1960's, has kept the Aringay, La Union vibrant and active in the Lord.

Brother Jay, a part of the " evangelistic team" of La Union, composed of Sammy Nisperos, Lito C.Olivares, Freddie Lachica Villanueva and this writer, supports the church, his mother and himself, through his poultry business.

Aringay, La Union church has her own chapel located along the " national highway" going to Agoo, La Union.

Darwin Bagni of Abra, a graduate of Philippine International Bible Institute ( PIBI ) in Angeles City, Pampanga and a public school teacher in Bauang, La Union helps  brother Jay in conducting Sunday worship services.

Last April 6, the La Union evangelistic team met and discussed how to spread the gospel in Aringay and nearby places.

In the afternoon, the team visited some members of the church and Sammy Nispsros taught a "Seeker's Bible Class."

Surprisingly, the team met some relatives of the late Eusebio Lacuata, a famous preacher and debater, who resided in Kabacan, Cotabato even before World War II.

Come May 4, the " evangelistic team" of La Union will be meeting in Naguilian to discuss congregational developent.

The Lord be praised for Aringay, La Union churcj has a dedicated " self-supporting evangelist."