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Soul Winners Workshop

/ 2024-02-14

An FB post made by brother John Rowe of Camelback Church of Christ:

Cara was baptized recently after hearing the gospel in a personal Bible study. I asked her if we could meet and she was willing to talk about her relationship with God. As you can see, Cara made a great decision.
Do you know how to share the gospel with someone one-on-one? Would you like to learn an approach that is easy-to-use, non-threatening, and very effective? That's what my Soul Winners Workshop is all about. Using this style of personal evangelism, the Lord blessed me to baptize 44 in my neighborhood in 2023 and 3 more already this year. To God be the glory!
Tim Roth came to my workshop 18 months ago and he's a new Christian who had never led a soul to Christ. He's now taught and baptized 34 and brought his small congregation from 25 to over 60 attending worship on Sundays.
If you're not able to join us in Phoenix for the next 2 workshops on January 20 at the Camelback Church of Christ and on February 3 at the Southside Church of Christ (see flyers below), ask your congregation if they might be interested in having this workshop. I still have some dates open for 2024 and I'd love to add you to my calendar.
Brother Richard Oldham from the Lee Street Church of Christ in Midland, Texas, says they've been using my gospel-sharing approach and had 16 baptisms in the last 6 months.
Aaron Solis from Roby, Texas has baptized several, including Miguel (who Aaron has taught to win souls), and Miguel has baptized 3 souls himself. Brother Aaron also has a flourishing New Christians class and a weekly class to train more soul winners.
Bill and Megan Clark (from the New York Ave Church of Christ in Arlington, TX) have been to several of my workshops and, since learning "the approach", they have led 13 souls to Christ.
At a Soul Winners Workshop I held at the Roeser Road Church of Christ in Phoenix, I used a lost soul from the audience in a role-play to demonstrate how I share the gospel and she (Arlinda) discovered she was lost and she obeyed the gospel in real-time. After the workshop, Brother Bash Bristow tells me that they've had 12 more put on Christ in baptism.
I also have several workshops coming up this year in California, Arizona, Texas, New York, Louisiana, South Dakota, and Missouri. If you'd like more details, contact me.