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Church Seated On A Hill Cannot Be Hidden

/ 2023-10-07

Literally, seated on a hill and overlooking La Trinidad in Benguet, Cordillera Administrative Region, is the church of Christ at Tawang.

Elevation at these coordinates is estimated at 1,488.8 metres or 4,884.5 feet above mean sea level.

The congregation meets at the house of Marina Agwayaway, 79 years old, one the original members of the church in La Trinidad, Benguet.

Photo was taken after discussing the sermon of Paul at Mars Hill in Acts 17:16-34. Moderating the discussion was Daniel Oliva, along with members of La Trinidad church meeting at Pico Road, Puguis.

Also in the picture taken in the evening of October 6, 2023 were Samuel Pan-oy, Dondon Manuel and members of the Agwayaway family.

Prayers and blessings are requested for this congregation on top of a hill as they continue serving the Lord.