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Copule Accepts Jesus Christ in Baptism

/ 2023-05-27

Dante Fernando and his wife Jean Cunanan- Fernando finally accepted  Christ in baptism after follow studies with Lito Batoon and Clemente Beronilla last May 27, 2023 at Culaylay cburch in San Jose City, Nueva Ecija.

The couple started studying the seeker's lessons last May 20, 2023 with Lito Batoon and Dan Oliva at their residence in Barangay Culaylay, San Jose City.

The new brother was a former Land Bank officer and a member of the Lupong Tagapayapa,  while his wife teaches in a secondary school in Metro- Manila.

The Lord be praised that the gospel of Christ is still God's power to salvation to everyone who believes in Christ, Romans 1:16.