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Church Profile: Siocon, Zamboanga Del Norte

/ 2022-11-22

Despite different challenges, the congregation of the Lord in Siocon, Zambonga Del Norte moves on. 

Last October, 2022, the storms flooded the meeting place of the church, yet the members gathered together to worship God.

That describes the Siocon church which was started about 50 years ago by George Patoc and other workers of the Lord.

When he died, Alexander Canonayon and his wife Clemencia Caadan, continued the work in Barangay Sta. Maria in 1979. 

The following year, the couple moved to the town proper ( poblacion) because the children had to go to school. 

In Barangay Malipot, the Ricohermoso family became members of the Lord's church. The congregation gathered at a place behind Siocon's national high school.

Between 1983 to 1986, the church grew in number and in spirituality. 

By 2012, the Siocon church successfully hosted a Young People's Fellowship coming from the whole Zamboanga peninsula.

Then, more people helped the work of the Lord there. They were Andrew Limba, Jun Sabrine, Juanito Salazar and Jimmy Tabaya.

Meanwhile, a young man named Jeorem Sumicad, great grandson of pioneer evangelist George Patoc in the late 1970's, started teaching the young people in 2013.

When Alexander Canonayon died in 2016, this young man took over the Lord's work in Siocon.

Baptisms reached 153 by that time, yet only 110 were active. Of the active members, 27 were considered " off and on" and 21 moved to another town, province or island. At present, only 62 are attending the church's activities.

Aside from Sunday's church worship services, the Siocon congregation has midweek bible studies; last Sunday's potluck fellowship.

December 19-22, 2022, the church had Discipleship Training and in June, 2023, she will host a Youth Camp.

 Indeed, Siocon church has faced many challenges triumphantly as Jesus said " In this world, you will have troubles. But be of good cheer, I have overcome the world," John 16:33