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Nueva Ecija churches hold 3rd Fellowship and Lectureship

/ 2022-11-20

Last November 19, 2022, the Nueva Ecija churches held their 3rd Fellowship and Lectureship at the meeting place of Culaylay congregation in San Jose City.

A total of 141 people, including preachers and evangelists, attended the Fellowship and Lectureship coming from about 10 congregations in Nueva Ecija.

In addition to singing, prayers, snacks and lunch, there were three lectures for the one day affair.

The lecturers and their subjects were as follows: Froilan Beronilla- Personal Evangelism; Joshua Visperas- Congregational Evangelism and Daniel A. Oliva- Intercongregational Evangelism.

In the afternoon, leaders and workers of each congregation represented made a report of past activities and announced their evangelistic plans for 2023 and onwards.