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Ghana church exceeds target amount for tumor surgery of young man!

/ 2022-10-15

An FB post of Dan Owusu Asiamah in the middle of October, 2022 revealed that Takoradi Central church of Christ in Ghana exceeded its target amount for the tumor surgery of a young man.

Initially,  Takoradi church aimed for Ghc 12,000 for head tumor surgery of a young man member. Nevertheless, the congregation responded generously to the need of the sick young man. The total amount raised was Ghc 21,000.

Takoradi church leaders thanked all the members for their liberality and praised God for heeding the Jerusalem church's example stated in Acts 11:27-30 and Paul's injunction in Galatians 6:10.

Now and onwards, Takoradi church is asking for the prayers of the brotherhood for the continued recovery of their young man member.

The apostle John's statement in 3rd John 1:4 " I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth," is truly applicable commendation to Takoradi Central church in Ghana.