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Former Vice Mayor Turns Preacher

/ 2022-09-19

The Apostle Paul wrote " I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase," I Corinthians 3:6.

This became true, according to Sammy Haban of RJ Ministry team who met Felix Pan-oy, former Vice Mayor of Tiglayan in Kalinga, Cordillera Administrative Region 15 years ago in Lacnog.

The seed planted in the heart of Felix Pan-oy was watered by several Christians until it became fully grown after 15 years.

Now, the former Vice Mayor of Tiglayan in Kalinga preaches the New Testament gospel in two congregations, namely Lacnog and in Botbot in the same province.

God be praised for indeed the " gospel is still the power of the gospel," Romans 1:16.