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Spanish speaking preachers hold National Meeting in Bogota

/ 2022-08-13

A recent FB post revealed that last August 6, 2022, a National Preachers' Meeting of churches of Christ was held in Bogota, Colombia.

The meeting was a way of strengthening fellowship among the Colombian preachers, as well as exchanging ideas on how to spread the gospel in Bogota, considered one of the largest cities in the world today.

Bogota is located in the center of Colombia on a high plateau also named Bogotà. As such, it is the capital district, being the administrative, economic, industrial and political center of the country.

The Lord's church, being situated in Bogota, Colombia, can be the base in reaching out the predominantly Catholic country with the pure and unadulterated gospel of Christ.

Prayers of the brotherhood all over the world are solicited to strengthen the churches of the Lord in that place.