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Southern India congregation holds bible study at Hyderabad City

/ 2022-08-12

An FB post of Indian preacher named Mallipudi Venkata Rao dated August 9, 2022 revealed the holding of a Bible Study at Hyderabad City, capital of Telangana State.

The Bible Study with the theme " Hear The Word of God" used Psalm 92:1 as its text and extolled God for His multifarious blessings.

Hyderabad City, where the church of Christ meets, is the center of technology, upscale restaurants and shops; historical sites like the Golconda Fort, former diamond center and Charminar Mosque.

With the above data, the Hyderabad City congregation has a lot of prospects for growth and maturity. The prayers of the brotherhood are requested for this Souther Indian congregation.

Attached herein are some photos about the Hyderabad City church.