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San Miguel, Iloilo church hosts Youth Camp 2022

/ 2022-07-23

An FB post of Fred Arellano, a graduate of Philippine Bible College in Baguio City in the late 1970's revealed a successful holding of Panay Youth Camp 2022 at San Miguel, Iloilo congregation.

About 30 young people from Panay Island attended the Youth Camp 2022 last July 23 as reported by Fred Arellano who is one of the preachers in San Miguel, Iloilo.

Fred Arellano said the " pandemia" has affected the attendance of young people coming from the whole island of Panay. He is praying that the next regional youth camp will have more AYA ( adolescents and young adults).

The Lord be praised that the Panay Island young people are actively serving the Lord.