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Bayombong congregation hosted AYA Training Workshop

/ 2022-07-08

The Adolescents and Young Adults ( AYA) facilitated by Erasto Fuentes Jr ( aka Jun Fuentes) of Heritage Bible College in Baguio City was conducted at the church's facilities and also at the Capitol Function Hall.

The  70- person AYA training workshop was participated by young adults from the following congregations: Bayombong, Mabuslo, Bambang, Bangar, Bagabag, Villaverde, Kinakao and Saguday, Quirino with 14 participants.

It was indeed a successful and encouraging two-day activity facilitated by Heritage Bible College who stayed at MC Inn last July 7-8,2022.

" God be praised for AYA's Training Workshop!" echoed the host congregation and all the participants coming from eight places.