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Ramoses serve with Nangalisan brethren

/ 2022-06-30

Spouses Jojo & Janet Ramos together with
sister Lady Angela Ramos served at the
Joint Worship Assembly & Luncheon
Fellowship of the Nangalisan church of
Christ at the Ambi Residence in Lasilas,
Nangalisan, Tuba last Sunday, June 26th.
There were 42 in attendance. Brother Jojo
Ramos served as the Sermon Speaker.
Sister Angela took charge of the
Children’s Sunday School in which seven
children attended while sister Janet
conducted a Ladies Class in which she
discussed Philippians 4:8.
The Nangalisan brethren expressed
appreciation for the visit, the lessons, and the
encouragement. Again, they look forward to
having visitors in the next Joint Worship
Assembly at the end of this month