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Irisan resident baptized into Christ at Midtown

/ 2022-06-25

Brother Edward Bucasan Peñaranda,
born in the City of Baguio on June 25, 1994
was born again on June 29, 2022, having
been baptized into Christ for the remission of
sins during the Midweek Devotional and
Care Group Assembly. He was immersed
by brother Jesse Reuben Bestre at Midtown’s
baptistery around 6:30 in the evening.
Brother Jesse Bestre facilitated the study of
the Seekers Lesson Series with him. They
will soon continue with the New Life Lesson
Series in the weeks to come. Brother Edward,
a resident of Barangay Irisan, this city, has
been attending the congregation’s Sunday
Worship Assembly for a couple of months
The Midtown family of believers praises
the Almighty Father through the Lord Jesus
Christ for this delightful development as well
as congratulates the newly baptized for his
decision to be a faithful disciple of the Lord.
Praises and glory to the Lord Almighty!Ω