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The Lord adds more souls to Lingayen churches

/ 2022-06-27

In Acts 2:47, we read "...And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved," ( NIV). 

This statement became true for last June 26-27, 2022, God added four souls into Christ's church in Lingayen, Pangasinan.

Immersed into Christ by Cedric de Mayo and Arvin Vallejo after the worship service of Domalandan congregation at Lingayen Beach last June 26 were Joyce Manuel, 15 and Roman Manuel, 10. 

Their decisions to follow Christ were made in connection with the one day Vacation Bible School at the church's meeting place last June 25.

The church's young people and some students from Asian Christian University under the direction of Dan Oliva of Baguio City conducted the VBS attended by 28 pupils with ages ranging from 6 to 13.

Then last June 27, 2022 two more obeyed Christ in baptism at Lingayen Beach. Those immersed into Christ by Dan Oliva were Dominador Bravo, 58 and Jevan Jimenez, 23, employees of Gregg's Enterprises, owned and managed by brother Greg B. Manuel and his wife Luz Victorio- Manuel.

During the baptism, Jonathan T. Ramos, preacher, director of Northern Luzon Bible College and municipal councilor of Lingayen, Pangasinan gave the message.

God be praised for the gospel of Christ is indeed showing its power in winning souls into God's kingdom!