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Tribute To A Modern Priscilla: Florida T. Arellano ( 1933- 2019)

/ 2022-06-26

In Acts 18:26, we learn that Priscilla and Aquila " took Apollos aside and explained  to him the way of God more accurately."

This passage could be applicable to the late sister Florida Tagara- Arellano who was born on May 5, 1933 at Cabaritan, Naguilian, La Union.

When her father died, she was forced to work with her relatives to finance herself till she finished a college course on education.

While she stayed with her relatives, she began reading and studying the Bible. The knowledge she obtained from those studies

moved her to fulfill the great commission of Jesus in Matthew 28:19-20.

When she became a full- fledged teacher and married Ireneo Dumpit Arellano, together they started a " Christian church" in Quezon City.

Wanting to do more for Christ and His church, Ireneo and Florida Arellano migrated to the USA. There, they worked hard and saved money to fulfill the mission of propagating the gospel of Christ in the Philippines, particularly in Naguilian, La Union.

When sister Florida came back to the Philippines, to help spread the gospel of Christ, she distributed Bibles to students, teachers, principals, police prisoners in Naguilian, La Union. 

Zealous for preaching the New Testament gospel, she also distributed Bibles at Pangasinan and Pampanga.

But before her demise last April 17, 2021, she had decided to donate a piece of property to put a chapel at Naguilian, La Union.

By not actually teaching God's but by distributing Bibles to key persons in a community, sister Florida could be compared to Priscilla who taught Apollos

" the way of God" more accurately.

Reaching the almost ninth ( 9th) decade of her life (age 88), indeed, she could be considered the modern Priscilla of Naguilian, La Union, Philipines.