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One soul added to Poblacion, La Trinidad church

/ 2022-06-07

The seeker's lessons conducted at the commercial residence of Gloria Alano, mother of Remedios A. Sumalia, a former WBS student and member of Midtown church in Baguio City, were blessed by God with one baptism recently.

Immersed into Christ on June 7, 2022 at the La Trinidad, Benguet congregation baptistry was Claver Laruan, 36 years old, a peace keeping personnel at a KTV Bar located in the commercial building owned by Gloria Alano near the town's public market.

The newly baptized, along with other seekers of God's word, was jointly taught by Dan Oliva and James Pas-en through the initiative of Remedios Sumalia.

Members of the La Trinidad, Benguet congregation were present and rejoiced during the baptism of Claver Laruan.

Danny Padua gave the message, Nars Insas led the singing while Sam Pan-oy and Don Manuel uttered the prayers before the baptism of Claver Laruan. Rod Vincent Acosta documented the momentous occasion.

Food and refreshments were served  by the ladies of La Trinidad congregation led by Dolores Agustin, after the baptismal service.

The Lord be praised for bringing fruit to the preaching of the pure and unadulterated gospel of Christ.