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Samar Christians put up own training school

/ 2022-05-23

Calling it " Samar Bible School," and though lacking in equipment and machinery, the Eastern Samar disciples of Christ " contribute money and food" to conduct two to three-day classes in one month to train themselves and others.

Leading this " training school" patterned after Philippine Institute of Bible Studies ( PIBS), directed by Reuben S. Emperado in Mandaue City, Cebu, is Edwin Inso and his wife Blenda.

Edwin Inso, among others, conducts worship services and bible classes for adults and children in Borongan City and nearby towns and barangays.

During severe typhoons that often hit Eastern Samar every year, some churches of Christ in the USA, through Mike Baumgartner's " disasterassistancecoc.com" would send help to Eastern Samar Christians primarily, as well as other disaster victims.

God be praised for the dedication and sincere faith of these modern-day disciples, the pure and unadulterated gospel of Christ, is being preached in Eastern Visayas continuously.