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Four souls added to Naguilian congregation

/ 2022-05-18

Four persons were added to Naguilian church in La Union last May 15 after they submitted themselves to baptisms in obedience to Christ's command in Mark 16:16.

Those immersed into Christ after the bible study and worship service at Naguilian church meeting place were as follows: Mila C. Agwayaway, 49; Dermalyn Agwayaway, 19 ; Josie Agwayaway, 15 ; Jemkar Agwayaway, 10.  Lito Olivarez and Dan Oliva administered the baptisms of the four new disciples of  Christ.

The new Christians are from Burgos,La Union, a neighboring town of Naguilian and are the wife and children of Jose Agwayaway of La Trinidad, Benguet who teaches in a government elementary school in Burgos, La Union.

The Agwayaway family are listeners of the radio program Know Your Bible Program broadcast over GMA Radio, DWRA Barangay 92.7 FM every Sunday from 5-6 am of Dan Oliva and subscribers of www.christianworldministry.org also.

God be praised for guiding this family to become members of the Lord's church in Naguilian, La Union.