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Felix Rabina Garlitos- Tribute to a Preacher/Debater

/ 2022-03-31

The new generation of Filipino Christians, the so called "millenials" may only have heard of Felix R. Garlitos as preacher in Mindanao and in Luzon areas.

Born on April 23, 1936 before the Second World War ( WWII 1942-1946), Felix Garlitos, as a young man, became a Christian through the influence of his grandfather.

As he grew older and developed spiritually, the likes of Laureano Belo and Cornelio Alegre as pioneer preachers in Mindanao had inspired Felix to become a gospel proclaimer.

Migrating to the National Capital Region and living in Quezon City with his family, he became more active in helping and developing churches of the Lord in that area.

Along with Daton Palitayan of Solano, Nueva Vizcaya, Felix faced some of the early preachers and debaters of the locally organized group- the " Iglesia Ni Cristo, 1914" ( INC, 1914) in public discussions defending and " contending for the faith," Jude 1:3.

He was not only a preacher and debater, but was also a voluminous writer in Pilpino language. A lasting testimony to his journalistic prowess was " Ano Ang Cristianismo"  a translation of " What Is Christianity?" copyright 1997 and written by Joel Stepthen Williams, Ph.D.

Felix became a full time preacher of a congregation in Quezon City but he continued to help and develop other churches of the Lord through his informative and inspiring messages.

He attended a New Life Behavior seminar offered by Hillery Motsinger along with other preachers and church workers of the National Capital Region and neighboring provinces.

At age 75, Felix returned to His maker last December 19, 2011. As tribute to his contributions to various churches through his preaching, debates and writings, below are quotations from fellow Christians:

Edgardo Maquling ( aka Maq Gary) December 20, 2011" Rest now thy tired feet, dear soul and, be awake at the dawn's new day! Thy goodness will always be remembered, not by me alone, not by your friends alone, but by Him, the One who inspires us to keep on. Our laborsome ministries will continue, till we all see each other again! So long, brother!"

RJ Price ( April 25, 2011) " How are you? It is good to see you here, (FB) it has been 20 something years or so."

Hillery M. Motsinger ( August 2, 2009) " Thanks for joining Facebook. This will be only for those who have graduated from our NLBI seminar and are certified as either an instructor or trainer." HM