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Bannawag Sur congregation in Diffun, Quirino recently observed her 20th anniversary with a bang!

/ 2022-05-17

An FB post of Arnulfo Vera Cruz revealed that after her May 1,2022 church service and 20th anniversary celebration, five persons were added to the growing membership of this Barangay congregation after the preaching of the Gospel by Brother Noel de la Cruz, preacher of Bannawag Sur congregation.

Those immersed into Christ last May 1 by brother Arnulfo Vera Cruz were as follows: Jethrone Paul Domingo, King Honey Hichon, Anna Camille Viernes, Alpha Grace Viernes and Michelle Espinosa.

Barangay Bannawag Sur of Diffun, Quirino in Region II Cagayan Valley has a record of 2380 people in 2020.

This is showing to Christians all over the Philippines that Barangay churches seem to have " faster" growth rate as to membership in comparison with urban churches- a trend worthy of study and evaluation.