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Profile of a Barangay Congregation: Paredes church shares discipleship method

/ 2022-03-31

Only a three-year old barangay congregation is showing the way to    " make disciple from all nations" in Region II called the Cagayan Valley.

The Paredes church in Diffun, Quirino recently shared her 3D Discipleship Method to the Sta.Maria and Solano congregations in Nueva Vizcaya.        ( see accompanying photos of this recent activity)

This congregation was featured in a news article in the early issue of Christian World Ministry, Volume 1, Year 2021 where it was stated that Paredes church exceeded her set goals on increased membership, baptisms and savings in 2020.

Paredes church is continually sharing her 3D Discipleship Method ( in three books or volumes) to other congregations in Region II which she has been using with her own members.

She has not only discovered the secret of multiplying her membership as evidenced by monthly baptisms but also increased her disciple makers involving the ladies and the young people.

What is amazing is that Isidro Paredes barangay in Diffun, Quirino has only a population of more than 2000 people in 500 households, averaging 5 persons per household.

To date, the Paredes church is nearing 200 members in her three-year existence. 

Jay Jarboe, Dale By rum, his wife, Jojo and Janet Ramos had visited Paredes church and had the opportunity to meet the membership.

Truly, what the Lord is doing in Paredes church is encouraging, inspiring, let alone, challenging to other congregations in the Philippines.

It is as if Jesus Himself had trained her membership so that they are now fulfilling the " great commission" recorded in Matthew 28:19-20