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Daniel A Oliva / 2024-02-20

" Greet one another with a HOLY KISS...the Churches of Christ greet you, " Romans 16:16

   A.This passage is being used by some " groups" which claim to be the true church of Christ, Matthew 16:18
     1. Further, they claim that CHURCH of CHRIST should be the EXCLUSIVE name of that group.
     2. But what does the BIBLE really say about this? Let us know the TRUTH as Jesus said in John 8:32.
   B. This lesson shall be discussed in the following manner:
      1. Two Concepts About The Church of Christ
     2. The Names of the Church in the New Testament
     3. Determining The True and Real Church of Christ?
     4. The EXCLUSIVE NAME of the Lord's Church?

   A. Two Concepts About The Church of Christ
     1. The Universal Concept or the One Church as based on Matthew 16:18
       a. Jesus established only ONE church, Matthew 16:18
       b. He did not say " churches " which many construe refer to the various sects and denominations today.
       c. This church is called the Body of Christ of which He is the Head, Ephesians 1:22-23
       d. As there is ONLY one HEAD who is CHRIST, there could only be one BODY or one CHURCH

     2. The Local Concept or the Churches in Different Places
       1. " The churches of Christ," as in Romans 16:16 refer to local congregations, and NOT to modern sects and denominations.
       2.Jesus told John to write to the seven churches of Asia: Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia and Laodicea, Revelation 1:11
       3. These churches refer to the community or local congregations of Christians living in each city.
       4. There were other local " churches of Christ " in the New Testament:
        - Acts 11:22 in Jerusalem
        - Romans 16:5 " church that meets at their house"
        - I Corinthians 1:2 " church of God in Corinth"
        - I Thessalonians 1:1 " church of the Thessalonians in God"
        - Philemon v.2 " church that meets in your home."

   B. The Names of the Church in the New Testament
      1. " My Church," Matthew 16:18
      2. " churches of Christ," Romans 16:16
      3. " The body of Christ," Ephesians 1:22-23
      4. " the bride of Christ," Revelation 21:9
      5. " church of God," Acts 20:28
      6. " church of the Living God," I Timothy 3:15
      7.  " general assembly and church of the first-born," Hebrews 12:23
      8. " the flock of God," I Peter 5:2
      9. " the fold of Christ," John 10:16
     10. " God's building," I Corinthians 3:9
     11. " house of God," I Timothy 3:15

   C. Determining The True and Real Church of Christ
      1. Knowing the True and Real Church of Christ should be done through the Bible only.
      2.The true and real church of the Lord must have the right doctrines:
       a. They met every Lord's day to partake of the communion, Acts 20:7
       b. They gather collection/contribution every first day of the week, I Corinthians 16:1-2   
       c. They sing acapella or without instruments, Colossians 3:16; Ephesians 5:19
        d. Their church officers are elders and deacons, Philippians 1:1; Titus 1:5
        e. The NT or early church had NO central location or headquarters
     3. The disciples of Christ were simply called Christians and not by MODERN denominational and sectarian names, Acts 11:26

   D. The EXCLUSIVE NAME of the Lord's Church
      1. As shown earlier,  the church that Jesus built, Matthew 16:18, had N0 " exclusive name!"
      2. Some groups today use CHURCH of CHRIST as a distinguishing name and claim that they are the TRUE church.
      3. The phrase Church of Christ is scriptural, Romans 16:16, but there is NO proof that it was the EXCLUSIVE term used in the New Testament.
      4. The name ALONE of a group does NOT prove that it is the TRUE and REAL church of Christ.
      5. Jesus prophesied that " false Christs will arise..to lead astray, if possible, the elect," Mark 13:5-7
      6. The doctrines and the practices of the original church must be followed today to become the TRUE church of Christ.
        a. No addition or substraction from God's words, Deuteronomy 4:2; Revelation 22:18-19
        b. not to go ahead with what was written, I Corinthians 4:6

   A. To become a member of the real and true CHURCH of CHRIST as found in the New Testament...
      1. Believe and be baptized to be saved, Mark 16:16
      2. Repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus for the remission of sins and to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit, Acts 2:38
      3. Now is the acceptable time.Today is the Day of Salvation, 2 Corinthians 6:2
      4. Christ is inviting everyone to come to Him for spiritual rest, Matthew 11:28-30