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Daniel A Oliva / 2024-01-14

" Do not think that I came to bring peace on earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have set a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law, and a man's enemies will be those of his own household," Matthew 10:34-36 ( NKJV )

   A. Many are confused with Jesus' statements in Matthew 10:34-36.
      1. For these words conflict with Isaiah 9:6 that He will be called " Prince of Peace."
       2. Let us learn the Truth as Jesus Himself stated in John 8:32.

    B. This lesson shall be explained in the following manner:
       1. Meaning of Peace on Earth in Matthew 10:34
       2. Meaning of the Sword in Matthew 10:34
       3. Jewish Expectations About the Messiah
       4. The Real Mission of Jesus In This World

     A. Meaning of Peace on Earth in Matthew 10:34
       1. Peace ( Greek " eirene " ) literally means " a condition of law and order resulting in prosperity."
       2. Peace can be external or internal
         a. External Peace means " friendship, harmony and the absence of chaos, conflict, hostility, oppression, violence and war."
         b. Internal Peace means " peace of mind" or the " peace that transcends all understanding," Philippians 4:7
         - or the " harmony and calmness of body, soul and spirit" trusting in the grace and power of God."  
       3. Jesus said, " Peace, I leave with you...not as the world gives," John 14:27
       4. It is " peace " made by the blessed children of God, Matthew 5:9
       5. Others believe the " peace on earth" in Jesus' time referred to the " unity of the Jewish nation" and the " Pax Romana" created by the Roman Empire.

   B. Meaning of the Sword in Matthew 10:34
       1. The sword ( Greek "makhaira" ) refers to a large knife used by a fisherman; similar to the modern day " machete" with a single cutting edge.
       2. Here, not a literal but symbolical sword as Jesus' message will:
        a. naturally create " division"
        b. will divide the world into believers and unbelievers in Him
       3. He said, " anyone who does not love ME more than his dearest relatives is NOT worthy of ME."
       4. Clearly, He stated " I have come to set a man against his father, a daughter against her mother...a man's enemies will be those of his own family."
       5. Luke 12:51 reads " Do you suppose that I came to grant peace on earth? I tell you, no, but rather division."
       6. The gospel is like a sword " piercing the conscience of man and calling him to love God more than he loves himself."
       7. Hebrews 4:12 says " The word of God is living and active, piercing even to the division of the soul and spirit..."

   C. Jewish Expectations About The Messiah
       1. The coming Messiah would usher in the following events:
         a. The return of the Jews to Israel, their homeland
         b. Making a Utopian World  
       2. Still other Jews believe that:
         a. the Messiah would end "all wars" on earth and bring in peace
         b. unite all people despite their color, culture, race or religion 
       3. Isaiah wrote that the Messiah would be a " powerful leader " in Israel- the center of world politics
       4. Simon, a disciple of Jesus and a Zealot expected the " Messiah to expel the Romans from Palestine and restore the physical Kingdom of God to the Israelites."
       5. In Acts 1:6, the disciples of Jesus asked Him " Lord, will You at this time restore the Kingdom to Israel?"
       6. Jesus, preaching " peace and love" did not meet the Jewish expectation of a Messiah. Thus, they rejected Him. ( Matthew 12:22-23 )

   D. The Real Mission of Jesus In This World
       1. Jesus came down from heaven for the following reasons: 
         a. to preach the good news or the gospel, Luke 4:43
         b. to let people understand about the Kingdom of God and the eternal hope ( life ) through Him
         c. to build His church, Matthew 16:18-19
       2. He was sent into the world " that people might have eternal life in relationship with God," John 14:6
       3. Jesus died for our sins. God has restored the radiance of His glory shining in and through us," Matthew 5:16
       4. " See, what kind of love the Father has given to us that we should be called children of God; and so we are."
       5. " For God did not send His Son  " to condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through Him," John 3:16-17
       6. Jesus will return to raise all the dead in Christ and take them to heaven with Him, John 5:28-29
       7. But He will take vengeance on those " who do not know God and who do NOT obey the gospel," 2 Thessalonians 1:7-9

    A. To all the saints, Christ has given the perfect PEACE even while living on earth.
      1. This is peace with God above all, peace with all men and peace within themselves.
      2. Jesus said, " Peace I give unto you, but NOT as the world gives."

    B. To understand Matthew 10:34-36, we are inviting you now to...
       1. Believe in Christ and be baptized to be saved, Mark 16:16
       2. Repent and be baptized for forgiveness of sins and to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit, Acts 2:38
       3. Now is the Acceptable Time. Today is the Day of Salvation, 2 Corinthians 6:2
       4. Christ is inviting you to come to Him for spiritual rest, Matthew 11:28-30