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Spirit- Guided Church Planting Strategies of the Apostle Paul, Part I

DANIEL A OLIVA / 2022-06-01


 The relevance and influence of the Holy Spirit in establishing new centers of worship and in church planting as the most effective evangelistic method should not be forgotten.

  God desires that not even one should perish spiritually as emphasized in Matthew 18:11-14 Parable of the Lost Sheep.

   It must be affirmed that the expansion of the church involves not only the multiplication of Christians but also the multiplication of churches.

  Church development must not only be internal but also equally external through reproduction via new forms and structures.

   Therefore, like a human being, the church must undergo growth and reproduction of its own ( her) kind or else it will be considered a sterile church.


 A. The Goals of Church Planting

   1. It must be remembered that church planting should aim for growth, multiplication and expansion of Christ's kingdom

   2. Stated differently, it should be a    " global disciple making" which should consist 

    a. a strategy for bringing in the harvest

    b. for raising leaders from the harvest

     c. for sending leaders to work in the harvest fields

    3. Thus, there is a need to reduce the gospel into any social context

     a. meaning- new communities of believers must continue in their own context and throughout the world

    4. The Great Commission is a cycle as stated in Matthew 28:19-20

      church planting

      b. believers gathered

      c. disciples trained

      d. to multiply and replicate themselves

 B. The gospel spread to the known world in the First Century

    1. The above statement is proven by Paul himself according to the following passages

       a. Romans 1:8 " ...your faith is being reported all over the world."

       b. Colossians 1:3,23 "...the gospel..is bearing fruit and growing...has been proclaimed to every creature under heaven..."

     2. The apostle learned from Jesus Christ Himself

        a. to work with receptive people, Matthew 10:11-16; Luke 10:5-16; Mark 5:19-20

        b. to release new believers and start witnessing for Christ and His message

 C. Paul's Church Planting Patterns

    1. Preaching to Responsive People and ready to hear the gospel as learned from His Master

     a. Philippi- he went to the river side and preached to Lydia, Acts 16:12-15

     b. Devout Gentiles were responsive to the gospel, Acts 17:1-4

   2. Strategic large cities and towns

   3. House churches or families which included even neighbors and slaves

     a. Acts 16: 14-15 - household of Lydia were baptized also

     b. Acts 16:32- 34- the jailer and his household were baptized

     c. Jesus' example in Luke 5:29-32; 19:1-10

    4. He contextualized the message of the gospel to suit the audience

     a. In Iconium, later in Lystra and Derbe, Acts 14, both Jews and Gentiles believed the gospel

     b. Because of Jewish opposition,Paul and Barnabas fled to Lystra and Derbe

    5. As always, wherever Paul went, he relied on the Holy Spirit for guidance and direction