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Domalandan church holds Teaching Children Seminar/Workshop

/ 2022-04-03

Last March 26, 2022, Domalandan church in Lingayen, Pangasinan held a one-day Teaching Children Seminar/Workshop at the church meeting place from 1 to 5 pm. 

Brother Daniel A.Oliva, evangelist and former instructor of Philippine Bible College in Baguio City conducted the one-day activity.

  There were 23 participants composed of young men and women coming from Salomague church in Bugallon, Pangasinan; from Asian Christian University and from the host congregation.

The seminar focused on the idea of using Teaching Children as both an educational and evangelistic tool in and outside of the congregation.

Young people, when well trained, especially the ladies are perceived as effective teachers to children.

And as children are being taught by the ladies, the men can also teach their parents or guardians.

The seminar also pointed out the technique of telling bible stories to children and adolescents. 

The use of visual aids was also introduced but another meeting is scheduled to have a worship on making them effective for teaching children.