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The Harvest Field, 2022: More souls are added to Christ's church in Bukidnon and Cavite!

/ 2022-03-21

As more " ordinary members" become " disciple makers," the church of the Lord moves on in Bukidnon and Cavite.

In Bukidnon, Julie Divine Albano Notarte reported that on March 21,  thirty (30) persons were baptized into Christ after a powerful gospel  meeting was held at Palasungan church in Sagundanon, Kitaotao, Bukidnon.

Meanwhile, in Bulihan, Silang, Cavite, brother Jonathan Dultra Pagarao made it known that 5 peons were immersed into Christ at the Med'z Resort last March 20, 2022.

These additions to the Lord's church are the results of joint efforts among the leaders and the members. No credit is given to one or few of the members only.

Truly, the gospel is powerful when its seed is planted in honest and sincere hearts watered by dedication and empowered by the Holy Spirit. To God alone, the glory must be given!