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Binalonan congregation hosts Leadership Training Workshop

/ 2022-03-19

Meeting near Land Transportation Office ( LTO), Binalonan congregation in Western Pangasinan hosted an AYA( Adults and Young Adults) Training Workshop last March 19, 2022.

Said workshop was facilitated by Director Erasto Fuentes, Jr. of Heritage Bible College in Baguio City.

The one day AYA workshop( Theme: Ignite) which started at 8 am and ended at 5 pm was composed of lecture, group discussion, singing and games.

Fuentes talked about Igniting Faith in Christ and Igniting The Community For Christ in his two lectures designed to empower, to ignite and motivate the AYA group in their biblical faith, knowledge and life in Christ.

With this activity, the AYA group of Binalonan congregation hopes to do more for God's glory and honor in Western Pangasinan.